The bell on the door buzzed as I entered the shop, a large emporium with worn cedar shelves signifying construction in the last century. I loved the smell of these old shops with dusty stock on the shelves that hadn’t moved for years, some with old price tags in pounds, shillings and pence. The old … [Read more...] about Shopping for Safety
Heinrich’s pyramid
Nonsense Curves and Pyramids
Nonsense Curves and Pyramids Safety likes nothing more than curves and pyramids, nothing so exciting as parading out the Bradley Curve or Heinrich’s Pyramid to get the troops excited about failure and loss. The Bradley Curve was created by DuPont in 1995 to try and benchmark notions of culture and … [Read more...] about Nonsense Curves and Pyramids
The Search for Meaning in Safety Models
There is a huge chasm between three things: the intent and design (assumed philosophy) of a model, the semiotic diffusion of the model and what humans make of the model. Models and symbols are not neutral nor objective. All models are semiotics and as such seek to explain the inexplicable. This is … [Read more...] about The Search for Meaning in Safety Models
The Great Heinrich Hoax
The Great Heinrich Hoax Perhaps the greatest evidence that Safety is not a profession is the acceptance by the industry of hoaxes and myths. There is no greater hoax in the safety industry than the myth that injury data or injury rates have any connection at all to causality or the management of … [Read more...] about The Great Heinrich Hoax
Hoodwinked by Heinrich
Hoodwinked by Heinrich I have written before about the Heinrich Hoax and Delusion (, the Heinrich Hoodoo ( and Heinrich Propaganda ( All this critique … [Read more...] about Hoodwinked by Heinrich
Deconstructing the Myth of Heinrich
One of the most significant factors that enables the mythology of Heinrich in Safety is that people don’t read Heinrich, can’t access Heinrich and have no expertise in Historiography. Most often in Safety those profess some expertise in: History, Culture, Neuroscience, Habits or Psychology, have no … [Read more...] about Deconstructing the Myth of Heinrich
Safety Leadership Essentials
Safety Leadership Essentials A friend showed me a four day course they had to attend for their company titled ‘Safety Leadership’. As I looked through the materials I couldn’t see anything I thought resembled ‘leadership’ in safety. The course was cover to cover with the fundamentals of … [Read more...] about Safety Leadership Essentials
Zero as a Semiotic
Zero as a Semiotic When we look at the image (semiotic) of zero there is much that is going on unconsciously. The idea of zero in risk and safety may have originally started as some naïve quest for no injuries but it has evolved to become the iconic anchor for a religious movement. The Spirit of … [Read more...] about Zero as a Semiotic
Safety Awareness Game – A bitter pill to swallow
A bitter pill to swallow – A little game you can play to demonstrate safety awareness Although this little game (great ice-breaker for a training session) references the theory behind Heinrich’s Pyramid (not something which is really valid in reality – do a search on this site for “Heinrich” and … [Read more...] about Safety Awareness Game – A bitter pill to swallow