The bell on the door buzzed as I entered the shop, a large emporium with worn cedar shelves signifying construction in the last century. I loved the smell of these old shops with dusty stock on the shelves that hadn’t moved for years, some with old price tags in pounds, shillings and pence. The old … [Read more...] about Shopping for Safety
Communication and Consultation
Hearing Voices
Hearing Voices In the midst of the busyness of work and life there is much to be said for the value of volunteering. Volunteering is a great way to learn about following and serving and especially helpful for executives who become absorbed in an alternate reality that says the stock market, KPIs … [Read more...] about Hearing Voices
Its All In The Sign
Its All In The Sign A brilliant essay by Max Geyer, submitted as part of his study for the Graduate Certificate in the Psychology of Risk - published here with his permission: Norretranders (1998) provides ample evidence that the unconscious plays a major role in communication. This paper … [Read more...] about Its All In The Sign
How is the unconscious in communication critical for understanding and managing risk?
How is the unconscious in communication critical for understanding and managing risk? This is a great piece by Hayden Collins, submitted as part of his study for the Graduate Certificate in the Psychology of Risk and reprinted here with his permission: It’s a misconception that … [Read more...] about How is the unconscious in communication critical for understanding and managing risk?
The Colour of Safety
The Colour of Safety It’s been a while since I bought a set of colouring pencils, but I bought a set this week. Oh, you say, that’s not unusual, you probably bought them for your grandchildren? Actually, I bought them, for myself. You will see at the end of this blog what is unique about the … [Read more...] about The Colour of Safety
Jerry won the safety award (but he didn’t do anything!)
Jerry won the safety award (but he didn’t do anything!) I was at a family gathering recently and got talking to Jerry who I hadn’t spoken with for a while. We chatted about our work and he asked whether I was still in ‘safety’. I said no, that’s not what I do anymore: (I’m Not that into Safety … [Read more...] about Jerry won the safety award (but he didn’t do anything!)
What is Critical Listening when Dealing with Risk?
What is Critical Listening when Dealing with Risk? I was walking on a worksite the other day and engaged in a conversation with a worker. I asked how he was going. He explained that he was extremely busy, needed to get something done quite urgently and his co-worker was off sick. This raised … [Read more...] about What is Critical Listening when Dealing with Risk?
Gab & Rob Talking Risk
Two of our authors Gab Carlton and Rob Sams have put their heads together and started their own series of short video blogs to go along with their regular articles. Gab & Rob are part of the gang who are doing the post graduate program in social psychology and risk through ACU … [Read more...] about Gab & Rob Talking Risk
What is a Safety and Risk ‘Thinking Group’?
What is a Safety and Risk ‘Thinking Group’? When we take time out to critically think through, and challenge, the ‘norm’ in risk and safety, we open up our eyes, and importantly our minds, to new thinking and innovation when we use our imagination to better discern risk In my last post Some … [Read more...] about What is a Safety and Risk ‘Thinking Group’?
Sesame Street Safety
Sesame Street Safety Sesame Street was first broadcast in 1969, a TV show aimed to help preschool children prepare for schooling, particularly in literacy and numeracy. As I presented to safety advisors this week at a conference I was stunned that no one in the room (all highly experienced safety … [Read more...] about Sesame Street Safety