Free Online Safety Training Courses
Open Source Safety have contacted us and asked us to let you know about the 100’s of free safety courses they now offer on line. They take a community approach to the design, development, and distribution of HSE training courseware which is sponsored and used by firms – from Fortune 500 to small business… offering practical accessibility to online safety …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
I’m Still Not That Into Safety
A sequel to: I’m just not that into safety anymore Our most popular article this year! Why do you think that is? Rob’s courage and honesty has certainly touched some nerves! I’m just not that into safety anymore I have spoken with a number of Managers over the past few months who have argued with me …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Tagged as: paradox, perfectionism, Safety
Safety for True Believers
Safety for True Believers Is the safety industry a religion? You work it out. Religion Safety God ordains salvation Individuals ordain salvation – ‘safety is a choice’ – ‘unsafety is a choice’ Aspiration to perfection God is omniscient Aspiration to perfection – Humans are omniscient ‘All accidents are preventable’ Sense of the sacred Sense of the sacred, safety is above all things and justifies all power …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Risk Homeostasis Theory–Why Safety Initiatives Go Wrong
This is my essay submitted for Unit 1 of the Post Graduate Program in Social Psychology of Risk – the most mind opening learning I have ever done! My favourite quote is in relation to racing drivers on normal roads and why they have more crashes and get more fines: “At their level of skill, …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Tagged as: go wrong, initiatives, risk homeostasis
Health and Safety Training
Complete list of articles and resources for effective risk, health and safety training, education and learning Safety Training Needs Analysis and Matrix Safety Training Needs Analysis and Safety Training Matrix One of the most common questions we get asked is: “How do I do a Safety Training Needs Analysis and Develop a Safety Training Matrix?” SAFETY TRAINING …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Heretical, Unorthodox and Sacrilegious Safety
Heretical, Unorthodox and Sacrilegious Safety I was training with some people the other day and we had been going about 50 minutes when the GM sitting up the front asked ‘Isn’t this heretical stuff’? I replied ‘it would be if safety was a religion’. The next question soon came from an engineer up the back, ‘isn’t …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Tagged as: religion, Safety, social psychology
Understanding The Social Psychology of Risk And Safety
by DR ROB LONGUnderstanding The Social Psychology of Risk And Safety In response to a number of emails I have received and conversations I’ve been having (and sadly some very ignorant comments posted on LinkedIn) I thought it would be a great idea to republish this excellent summary of the principles by Dr Rob Long. Understandably, given how the same …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Who wants to be a safety professional?
Who wants to be a safety professional? I have been following a trail of conversations on Linkedin in the SIA Group. There is a big push on to have safety people gain accreditation, and I have to ask myself why? The SIA is Victorian based, and a corporate body, represented primarily by University academics, and espousing …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Cautions in eLearning Safety
I have long been concerned about the warm fuzzy feeling employers get from providing online, generic safety inductions, particularly for contractors who are then let loose in the workplace. Another great article from Dr Robert Long If you loved this article then you should read the whole series: CLICK HERE Cautions in eLearning Safety How can I know …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Safety Networking
Safety Networking Some practical advice from the late George Robotham Is your Safety Net working? Introduction Networking definition – “The exchange of information or services by individuals, groups or institutions. Specifically the culture of producing improved relationships in employment and business”. There was a time when the S.I.A. OHS discussion forum was the main OHS networking forum. This had …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
The Things You Need To Know About Health and Safety Leadership
Reflection from the late GEORGE ROBOTHAM – See his other articles HERE This is probably one of the most significant pieces of work that I have published for sometime. I have been involved with its evolution for quite a while now and it has been peer reviewed of over 50 professionals and modified accordingly. I must stress …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Safety Psychology Terminology
Understanding Psychological Terminology and Applying it to Safety and Risk. All professions (intentionally and unintentionally) create language, acronyms and discourse that create territory and challenges for understanding. This is why we sometimes have trouble understanding a doctor who is trying to explain what is wrong with our own body. We didn’t do the 12 years education (full …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
What is Psychosocial Safety
What is Psychosocial Safety? Psychosocial safety is really not a new concept but has been around industry for some time. The beginnings of psychosocial safety are usually linked to Herbert W. Heinrich an insurance investigator in the 1930s and 1940s. Interest in psychosocial safety as a discipline grew out of the early work done by pioneers ……Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Lessons learnt from my safety jobs
Lessons learnt from my safety jobs Reflection by the late George Robotham In my 38 years in OHS I have helped my employers cope with the aftermath of 13 fatalities, one case of paraplegia, one major stress case and a very serious burns case. Speaking from personal experience the most devastating thing that can happen to a …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
What’s Faith Got To Do With Safety
What’s Faith Got To Do With Safety Guest Post by Dr Rob Long from Risk is all about uncertainty, and uncertainty is one of the things that characterises what it is to be human. There is little in human living that is certainly predictable, there is little that is absolutely certain, this is the nature …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
More Free Safety Ebooks by Peter Ribbe
More Free Safety Ebooks by Peter Ribbe DOWNLOAD PETER’S OTHER FREE SAFETY EBOOKS FROM HERE SAFETY LEADERSHIP TRAINING Much has been written about leadership training, and some good courses exist, the problem has been it has always been targeted at the top senior managers, with very little for supervisory groups. This training will provide all Supervisors/Managers with an …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
7 Reasons why Your Safety Communication gets Ignored
7 Reasons why Your Safety Communication gets Ignored Guest Post by Marie-Claire Ross Your workforce will give you less than one minute to convince them to work safely. Do you know what to say, or write, in those first 60 seconds? Employees quickly tune out when they hear bland, irrelevant safety messages. Too often, they’ve heard boring safety …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Free safety training resources
Free safety training resources Lockout Tagout (LOTO) Training Downloads Training Resources from Compliance and Safety Job Hazard Analysis Training Downloads From our good friend in the US, James Roughton (happy 4th July!), who runs Job Hazard Analysis, are a few links to some excellent free safety training resources. There is no need to register or provide any personal information …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Health and Safety myths debunked
Health and Safety myths debunked Guest Post from one of our UK based authors Everyone has a story about a health and safety rule which is affecting them at work or they have read about in the newspapers. They are rarely entirely accurate and sometimes don’t have even a kernel of truth in them, having been made …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Safety Professional Association Effectiveness
Discussion Paper – Professional Association Effectiveness Another SAFETY REFLECTION by the late George Robotham 1 Introduction This discussion paper represents critical reflection of the author’s experiences with a number of professional organisations, tertiary study in 3 disciplines, extensive OHS and Learning experience, working with 2 excellent leaders, extensive research on leadership and comment from a number of OHS, ……Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Commercial Safety Management Systems
Commercial Safety Management Systems by the late George Robotham No doubt there are commercial safety managements systems that add value to organisation’s safety effort but I experienced one that was a disaster. The introduction of the overseas S.M.S. was led aggressively by senior management despite a workshop of safety staff rejecting the concept. The first step was a ……Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Facilitating Safety Learning
Facilitating Learning – Critical Reflection On Practice By the late George Robotham Introduction One of the activities we all do in business is “training” others. It is my contention that modern adult learning principles are not practiced frequently or well in general “training” in industry and in consequence the learning experience is not as successful as it could ……Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Learning Safety From Various Approaches
George’s Safety Reflections SEE MORE HERE By George Robotham Learning From Various Approaches Quotable Quote “A health and safety problem can be described by statistics but cannot be understood by statistics. It can only be understood by knowing and feeling the pain, anguish, and depression and shattered hopes of the victim and of wives, husbands, parents, children, grandparents …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Swimming Pool Safety Inspections
Swimming Pool Safety Inspections As expected in the lead up to the December 1st implementation of new swimming pool safety regulations, their will be a lot of new companies or expansion of services of existing companies who want to take advantage of the compulsory pool inspection requirements. We’ve provided some links below to some of the …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
The Development Of Safety Competency
The Development Of Safety Competency – A Personal Journey by the late George Robotham Quotable quote “A health & safety problem can be described by statistics but cannot be understood by statistics. It can only be understood by knowing and feeling the pain, anguish, and depression and shattered hopes of the victim and of wives, husbands, parents, children, …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Motorcycle Safety
Motorcycle Safety Though motorcycles have been nicknamed “death cycles,” motorcycles can be safer than many people think. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents and fatalities have increased in recent years (due partly to an increase in motorcycle ownership), inflaming the already negative associations with motorcycle ownership. However, if motorcycle safety is followed, the likelihood of accidents and/or fatalities is …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Online Food Safety Training
Food Safety Training AlertForce’s food safety courses help you meet your food handling requirements with maximum ease at minimum cost. These courses are delivered online, which means all training is undertaken at a time and place that suits you and your staff. The courses are quick and easy to use, so it is simple to get your …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Computer Based Training (CBT) is NOT Bad for Your Safety Culture
Computer Based Training (CBT) is NOT Bad for Your Safety Culture June 8, 2013 By Michael D. Lawrence, Summit Safety Technologies. Some authors and safety professionals would have you believe that using CBT for safety training will damage your organization’s safety culture. These folks will tell you that …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Safety Training Is About Behaviour Change
Safety Management Series – Safety Training Is About Behaviour Change By Alan Quilley I remember only too well my first visit to a client’s warehouse. The bustle of the forklift traffic was considerable. Drivers were busily loading pallets of product into the large line of awaiting semi-tractor trucks. Numerous other …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>