What precedes the feeling of safety? Do we trust in the feeling of what happens? Damasio tackles these tough questions in his wonderful book: The Feeling of What Happens. Where, when and in whom do we place our trust? When people talk about ‘psychological safety’, critical qualitative and moral … [Read more...] about In Safety We Trust, Do We?
Psychosocial Safety
When We Can’t Afford Safety
I have written before about the economics of safety and the way neo-liberalism puts the poor and disadvantaged at greater risk of harm (https://safetyrisk.net/freedom-to-harm-the-gig-economy-and-zero/). When it comes to psychosocial well-being and mental health, disadvantage … [Read more...] about When We Can’t Afford Safety
When You Don’t Know What Culture Is. How Can you Improve It?
One of the new myths invented by Safety is that psychosocial health is about ‘controlling hazards’. Only Safety could warp reality in such a way. Now we have an industry that thinks it is addressing an issue by actually making it worse (https://safetyrisk.net/what-is-psychosocial-safety/ ). Moreso, … [Read more...] about When You Don’t Know What Culture Is. How Can you Improve It?
If You Want to Know About Mental Health, Don’t Ask Safety
I see with no surprise, Safety suggesting a re-think on mental health. Yet again, this confirms the simple reality that Safety loves to talk to itself about what it doesn’t know. If you want to know about Ethics, Culture or Anthropology, ask a safety engineer. Didn’t you know, if you need a source … [Read more...] about If You Want to Know About Mental Health, Don’t Ask Safety
Using EAP for Psychosocial Risk
When I worked in an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) we knew that less than 3-6% of employees used that service, even though it was free. This is also supported by extensive research. In reality, what happens when people are in distress or suffering psychosocial issues they approach trusted family … [Read more...] about Using EAP for Psychosocial Risk
Relationships as Therapy for Mental Health, A Note for Safety
We know that most mental health needs are not met with professional services but with Everyday Social Resilience. We also know that factors contributing to poor mental health are highly complex and not just the result of trauma. The recent release of the Royal Commission report into Defence and … [Read more...] about Relationships as Therapy for Mental Health, A Note for Safety
Culture Cloud Tour
With the advent of Psychosocial Risk and Hazards (I hate the concept of a person being a hazard) there are many organisations that realise they have no understanding of what is being asked here. Safework Australia Code of Practice; managing psychosocial hazards at work With a short of Mental … [Read more...] about Culture Cloud Tour
More Pop-Psych on Failure and Other Safety Entertainment
I read the latest pop-psych instalment from Edmonston on the ‘science’ of failing well. It’s amazing how gullible people are when someone throws in the word ‘science’, when what follows has nothing to do with science. Heinrich used this strategy (https://safetyrisk.net/hoodwinked-by-heinrich/) years … [Read more...] about More Pop-Psych on Failure and Other Safety Entertainment
The Naivety of Psychological Safety
One of the fascinating things about the Discourse of ‘psychological safety’ is its many silences. This is despite the fact that the advocates for psychological safety argue that silence is the problem. Apparently, the test for psychological safety is speaking up and being critical. Yet, most of what … [Read more...] about The Naivety of Psychological Safety
Scars That Never Heal
One of the grand delusions of Safety is its focus on physical harm. This is fostered by the silly language of ‘hazards’ and ‘controls’. Even then, the silly industry describes psychosocial harm as a ‘hazard’ (https://safetyrisk.net/what-is-psychosocial-safety/ ). You couldn’t make such stupidity … [Read more...] about Scars That Never Heal