In the long tradition of claims in expertise that are not, we have the latest from Safety as non-experts in Linguistics ( Apparently, counting repetition of words as data is ‘language intelligence’! Of course, it isn’t, but … [Read more...] about Linguistic Non-Intelligence with Safety Non-Experts
Sacrificing Truth for No Blame
One of the by-products of the positive psychology cult is: the massaging of truth, the creation of false narratives, linguistic spin and ethical gymnastics. Whilst there is nothing wrong with positive psychology in itself its evolution as a reaction against perceived negative analysis such as: … [Read more...] about Sacrificing Truth for No Blame
Failed Safety Initiatives. You’re Just Not Motivated
By Simon Renatus - HSE Adviser, 30 years References: Tory Higgins E. (2012). Beyond pleasure and pain. How motivation works. Oxford University Press. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The what and why of goal pursuits. Human needs and the self-determination of behaviour. Psychological … [Read more...] about Failed Safety Initiatives. You’re Just Not Motivated
Linguistics and responsibility transfer
In one of the WhatsApp groups that brings together OSH managers in Romania, the other day I watched a very interesting discussion related to the poster below. The question of one of the members: "Have you used/use such posters?" received positive responses mentioning the fact that mirrors with … [Read more...] about Linguistics and responsibility transfer
Next Module on Linguistics and Risk in September
As the current module on Linguistics finishes next week, there has already been significant demand from others to study. So, if you want to understand messaging in safety, the fundamentals of communication, the basics in discourse analysis and, how to undertake better messaging in risk then, you … [Read more...] about Next Module on Linguistics and Risk in September
The Incredible Power of Fishing with Family
Lessons in Linguistics, A reflection by Billy Snead I recently enjoyed a week off from work to take a vacation. A few friends, relatives, my oldest son and his three boys ages 8, 10 and 12, traveled from Iowa to NW Ontario, Canada to a remote lake to catch walleyes and northern pike. We had so … [Read more...] about The Incredible Power of Fishing with Family
Don’t Criticise Safety
I find it fascinating that Safety thinks that criticism of safety is being anti-safety. In real professions, criticism is normal and understood as necessary for the improvement of the profession. In real professions diversity of worldviews are welcomed and improvement is understood as part of … [Read more...] about Don’t Criticise Safety
Your Language Affects Risk Perception
The language we chose, the way we frame a message, the way language primes receiving and how this affects the interpretation of risk is a complex process. Words have to have meaning which is most often given in context. Language is neither objective or neutral. The metaphors you use shape belief … [Read more...] about Your Language Affects Risk Perception
Online Study: Linguistics and Risk
If you would like to register for this 5 session course you can register by email: An overview of the course is here: The fee for the 5 sessions is $250. Sessions will commence on 16 Tuesday July at 9am-10.30am and … [Read more...] about Online Study: Linguistics and Risk
Scars That Never Heal
One of the grand delusions of Safety is its focus on physical harm. This is fostered by the silly language of ‘hazards’ and ‘controls’. Even then, the silly industry describes psychosocial harm as a ‘hazard’ ( ). You couldn’t make such stupidity … [Read more...] about Scars That Never Heal