The language we chose, the way we frame a message, the way language primes receiving and how this affects the interpretation of risk is a complex process.
Words have to have meaning which is most often given in context. Language is neither objective or neutral. The metaphors you use shape belief and interpretation of risk. In the study of science, one can’t separate the language Science uses to explain science. The same is in Safety. You can’t separate the language Safety uses to explain itself, from the meaning it creates.
For example: If you explain risk as an iceberg then, the interpretation is that risk can been seen and unseen. If you explain risk as a bow-tie it is interpreted as linear, in and out and binary. If you explain risk like swiss-cheese it is interpreted as linear and preventable by blocking holes. If risk is explained as dominoes it is understood as linear and cumulative, triggered by the first cause. If risk is explained using a curve it is also interpreted as linear and understood as increasing or decreasing. None of these metaphors help understand unconsciousness, randomness, unpredictability, and non-linear nature of risk.
In SPoR, we study Linguistics and risk in the use of Semiotics, Poetics, Para-linguistics and Language in how Safety explains itself. The next course on Linguistics and Risk starts on 16 July ( There is no place in Safety globally that studies these critical matters.
A classic example of the misuse of language in Safety is evidenced in the use of the word ‘zero’. It doesn’t matter where one sees this language it rarely actually means nothing or zero. Most often Safety tries to make this language of zero mean something that it isn’t. Some call it a ‘mindset’ and others an ‘approach’. Zero can never mean these things. ( )
Furthermore, because Safety doesn’t study Linguistics, it is most often incompetent with its use of language. For example, a classic is in so-called safety differently group where the slogan ‘people are not problems to control but solutions to harness’ states the same thing. The core meaning is that people are objects to control! Most often we associate the language of harness with control, sometimes of an animal. The semiotic of wearing a harness usually accompanies such language.
It seems in risk and safety you can say what you want and make words mean whatever you want. Meanwhile, the real world looks on and has a laugh. Just read anything by global zero ( or watch their apocalyptic video ( and you find out that language is meaningless. You soon find out that zero has no vision and there is nothing visionary about zero. Aren’t you so glad that zero took centre stage at the global safety congress in Sydney in 2023 (
All this talk in Safety about ‘innovation’, ‘creativity’ and ‘thought leadership’ and it’s all the same olde traditional safety stuff just packaged with a different brand. We don’t call it ‘zero’, it’s now ‘1% safer’. This is how Safety abuses language with some rebranded goop to make more money. But there’s nothing new or innovative. There’s no changed methodology or method.
Even when Safety seeks to be radical like calling itself ‘Punk Rock Safety’, it’s the same olde stuff with just a few extra swear words thrown in. There’s no new methodology or method, just noise about all the same old stuff – rules, ‘safety professional’, ‘structure’, systems, metrics, dogma etc.
Even when so-called safety differently talks about ‘capacity’ it choses quantitative language to explain the mechanics of safety. It’s the same olde stuff. When it talks about resilience it uses the metaphor of engineering to explain the resilience of systems. It doesn’t matter whether the metaphor is two, ‘new view’, ‘performance’ or ‘differently’, the themes, language and focus is the same.
If you want to understand Linguistics and risk and its use in Semiotics, Poetics, Para-linguistics and Language in how Safety explains itself. The next course on Linguistics and Risk starts on 16 July (
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