Most models (semiotics) of safety don’t reflect reality. Models that are binary and linear in particular don’t reflect what happens in the real world. This is especially a problem when it comes to incident investigations. When one believes in a linear binary model of safety that frames how one … [Read more...] about Safety Models That Don’t Reflect Reality
You Can’t ‘Bust’ Myths
One of the assumptions of the popular TV show Mythbusters ( is that myths are falsehoods, this is not so. The idea of the show is to use the so-called ‘tools of science and engineering’ to ‘bust’ false beliefs. The purpose of the TV show is entertainment so … [Read more...] about You Can’t ‘Bust’ Myths
Myth, Objectivity and the Subjectivity of Language in Safety
We all speak language unconsciously. This is because language is embodied from birth. We don’t need to think about what to say and process thought/language like a computer. We speak what we want to say most often without thinking. The words come out as we think and most often, we hear what we think, … [Read more...] about Myth, Objectivity and the Subjectivity of Language in Safety
Culture Cloud Tour Part 13 – Myth
Myth and mythology is best understood with some studies in Religion. Anthropologists always look for what did people worship in order to understand their culture. Therse things include the symbols and rituals that come with a mythology. They are worshipped as fact, even if they are not … [Read more...] about Culture Cloud Tour Part 13 – Myth
Embodied Leadership, Symbols and Myth – A Podcast
This week has been a week of rich studies and learning, sharing and discovery with Brian and Aneta Darlington in Canberra. From the day they landed we have immersed ourselves in culture, semiotics, poetics, myth and embodied leadership. Aneta and Brian amongst wearing many hats are the Directors of … [Read more...] about Embodied Leadership, Symbols and Myth – A Podcast
When Myths Collide in Risk
It is strange how the word ‘myth’ is used negatively in the risk and safety world as if to declare something as a myth, is an in-truth. How we determine what is true, real and effective is not that easy. All myth is anchored to faith, not evidence. Most often we develop myths according to our … [Read more...] about When Myths Collide in Risk
Myth as a Helpful Way of Understanding Risk
Myth is a very useful genre when one tries to understand a wicked problem like risk and safety, fallibility and culture. When one understands what myth is ( then Risk Makes Sense … [Read more...] about Myth as a Helpful Way of Understanding Risk
Understanding The Myths and Metaphors of Safety
In risk and safety, we cannot separate the language we use and its bias, from the way we participate subjectively in our thinking and speaking in risk. The metaphors we use come from our unconscious use of language and condition the way communication is received. See further Metaphors We Live By … [Read more...] about Understanding The Myths and Metaphors of Safety
Sacred Objects to Remember Un-Safety
To study Mythology is to Study the way humans construct meaning and purpose in living. We see this in how people make things sacred and profane ( We will see much of this in Australia on 25 April, ANZAC Day. … [Read more...] about Sacred Objects to Remember Un-Safety
Understanding Mythology, Myth, Mythosphere and Science – A Podcast.
For those who want to understand the nature of myth and mythology perhaps this podcast may help: When we use the word ‘myth’ in SPoR we don’t mean fantasy or fairy tale because, myth is unique and is semiotically and poetically verified. Similarly, the myths of scientism that are popular in … [Read more...] about Understanding Mythology, Myth, Mythosphere and Science – A Podcast.