It is strange how the word ‘myth’ is used negatively in the risk and safety world as if to declare something as a myth, is an in-truth. How we determine what is true, real and effective is not that easy. All myth is anchored to faith, not evidence. Most often we develop myths according to our … [Read more...] about When Myths Collide in Risk
root cause
ACTOR + ACTION + TIME = EVENT A weird and wacky hypothesis from Doug Wakefield CPMSIA RSP(Aust.) – SSHE analyst & trainer at Safe Measure Pty. Ltd. - You can also download Doug’s FREE OHS Manual Template HERE This formula (Actor + Action + Time = Event) is a … [Read more...] about ACTOR + ACTION + TIME = EVENT
Critical Thinking and Questioning in Safety
Critical Thinking and Questioning in Safety Great to read a piece on the Safety Differently site that situates systems within a social and societal context (Thinking Differently about incident investigations). One of the strange things about the tradition of safety is its maintenance of the myth of … [Read more...] about Critical Thinking and Questioning in Safety
There is no root cause
Interesting article dispelling some “root cause” myths. First published here: Each necessary, but only jointly sufficient I thought it might be worth digging in a bit deeper on something that I mentioned in the … [Read more...] about There is no root cause
There’s a Hole in Your Investigation.
There’s a Hole in Your Investigation. Any fatality is sad news for family and loved ones of those who have died. It is even more sad when there are no definitive answers for cause. Many who die working alone cannot be interviewed, one can never know the root cause. Root cause is the concoction that … [Read more...] about There’s a Hole in Your Investigation.
Like a Rhizome Cowboy
Like a Rhizome Cowboy For those who know much about the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze they will know that a central part of his philosophy is the idea of a Rhizome. A rhizome is a tangled web of knotted stems ( hidden below the surface. The rhizome is the … [Read more...] about Like a Rhizome Cowboy
Just Get to the Bottom of it
Just Get to the Bottom of it….. Republished by request.......... An incident occurs at work, the well entrenched procedures quickly kick into play - first aid provided, forms filled in, reports to management, find the cause (sometimes causes), change operating procedures (they must have been … [Read more...] about Just Get to the Bottom of it
Is the Safety Function Focusing On the Wrong Things?
Out of Focus: Is the Safety Function Focusing On the Wrong Things? By Phil La Duke on his blog Phil says: In this week's post I identify three areas that the safety profession has been obsessing on, and ask the question have we been focused on the wrong … [Read more...] about Is the Safety Function Focusing On the Wrong Things?
Free 5 Why PPT Presentation
Free 5 Whys PPT Presentation This excellent 5 Whys root cause PowerPoint Presentation was sent to us by Tiaan V. It takes the audience through the basic philosophies of 5 Whys and provides trainer notes, worked examples, group exercises, flow charts and some useful tools. Thanks Tiaan – you can … [Read more...] about Free 5 Why PPT Presentation
Free Root Cause Mapping Template in Excel
Free Root Cause Mapping Template in Excel ThinkReliability have proven that Microsoft of Excel software is not only useful for for creating spread sheets, their free safety template proves that it's also an excellent tool for capturing and displaying each element of a thorough 5 whys or root cause … [Read more...] about Free Root Cause Mapping Template in Excel