Oops, I didn’t mean to do that - Why we make mistakes Fassinating artickle by Rob Sams (see his previus posts here). The first 3 people to email me and tell me why I chose this image for this article will win a free copy of Dr Rob Long’s latest book REAL RISK – Human Discerning and Risk - Dave. … [Read more...] about Why we make mistakes
incident investigation
We need to make sure this can never happen again
We need to make sure this can never happen again Can you picture this scenario? Manager: So Ben, I’ve just read through the incident report and I see you injured your back when you ran the forklift into the bollard. I need to ask you a few questions as we need to make sure this type of incident … [Read more...] about We need to make sure this can never happen again
A Much Better Way To Think About Incident Investigations
I’ve recently seen and done a few incident investigations which really fell short of any mark except for ticking the box on the form that says ‘investigation completed’. There are ongoing debates about whether ICAM is better than TapRoot or if that is better than Root Cause Analysis or BowTie or … [Read more...] about A Much Better Way To Think About Incident Investigations
Dealing with Incidents
Dealing with Incidents Most approaches to incident investigation focus on technique and process. This is important, gathering facts and compiling important information is critical. However, what most approaches don't consider the range of biases that come with being human. In particular, it is … [Read more...] about Dealing with Incidents
Incident Investigations and the Einstellung Effect
We all know about the psychological concept of ‘conditioning’. It doesn’t matter whether the conditioning is classical or operant , humans develop habits and heuristics to ensure comfort, safety, efficiency and security in daily living. Whilst there is some element of truth to the behaviourist … [Read more...] about Incident Investigations and the Einstellung Effect
Just Get to the Bottom of it
Just Get to the Bottom of it….. Republished by request.......... An incident occurs at work, the well entrenched procedures quickly kick into play - first aid provided, forms filled in, reports to management, find the cause (sometimes causes), change operating procedures (they must have been … [Read more...] about Just Get to the Bottom of it
SEEK is not a Method
You can find out more about the SEEK workshop in Brisbane to be held in November here: https://safetyrisk.net/essentials-in-investigations/ and download the SEEK flyer here: http://cart.humandymensions.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/SEEK-Brisbane-91011-Nov-2016-2.pdf SEEK is not a Method When one … [Read more...] about SEEK is not a Method
The Social Psychology of Risk Event Exploration (Investigation) Knowledge
I can personally recommend this program (no I don’t get a kickback!) to anyone wanting to undertake more effective investigations and who feels that there is something crucial missing with their current methods and tools – I PROMISE THAT THIS IS A COMPLETE EYE & MIND OPENER – I wrote about … [Read more...] about The Social Psychology of Risk Event Exploration (Investigation) Knowledge
Nobody Ever Said Safety Would Be Easy
First published here on Phil LaDuke’s Blog Phil says: In safety we are surrounded by people who are looking for simple solutions to complex problems and often these people include safety professionals themselves. In this months post I look at applying Occam's Razor (The simplest explanation is … [Read more...] about Nobody Ever Said Safety Would Be Easy
Situational Awareness and Human Error
Situational Awareness and Human Error An interesting article by Sidney Dekker on the Safety Differently Blog: Is It 1947 Yet? Neither Lieutenant Nathan Poloski’s body, nor his F/A-18 Hornet were ever found in waters almost three miles deep. All that was located in the Western Pacific after his … [Read more...] about Situational Awareness and Human Error