For those wanting to study SPoR face-to-face in: Vancouver, Calgary (Canada) London, Copenhagen and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) we are excited to announce that Dr Nippin Anand and Dr Pedro Ferreira will be there soon. You can see the times, places and register for these events … [Read more...] about SPoR Workshops in Vancouver, Calgary (Canada) London, Copenhagen and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
The Human Safety Newsletter is Out
Human Dymensions Newsletter 2014 Quarterly Newsletter If you are over boring safety newsletters about legislation updates, recent fines and the latest PPE flooding your inbox then here is a Safety Newsletter worth reading. You can subscribe here: … [Read more...] about The Human Safety Newsletter is Out
Technique – The Worship of a False Idol
By Simon Renatus In the digital age, we have traded gods of stone for gods of silicon, bowing to the altar of algorithms and screens, mistaking data for wisdom and followers for meaning. (ChatGPT, 2024) This quote raises important questions about the role of technology in our lives. Can an … [Read more...] about Technique – The Worship of a False Idol
Embracing the deluge: Rethinking Risk and Safety through art and myth
by Billy Snead Joseph Désiré Court’s painting, Scene of Deluge, 1826 You see a person trying to save his father and completely ignoring his wife and kid (son) who are closer to him. The wife represents the present life, the son the future and the grandfather on the other hand represents the … [Read more...] about Embracing the deluge: Rethinking Risk and Safety through art and myth
I Think Therefore I Write – Study Module
The latest module on offer in the Social Psychology of Risk is Module 20: Writing and Thinking in Risk. This module brings together knowledge in Linguistics, Poetics, Semiotics and Critical Thinking with a focus on writing and articulating ideas about risk. You can read more about the module … [Read more...] about I Think Therefore I Write – Study Module
Failed Safety Initiatives. You’re Just Not Motivated
By Simon Renatus - HSE Adviser, 30 years References: Tory Higgins E. (2012). Beyond pleasure and pain. How motivation works. Oxford University Press. Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The what and why of goal pursuits. Human needs and the self-determination of behaviour. Psychological … [Read more...] about Failed Safety Initiatives. You’re Just Not Motivated
Is Offensive Behaviour Becoming Acceptable?
by Brian Darlington - first published here: Is offensive behaviour becoming acceptable? - SHEQ Management In Social Psychology of Risk, several key fundamentals control our thoughts, both consciously and unconsciously, shaping who we are and how we function in a social environment. The first of … [Read more...] about Is Offensive Behaviour Becoming Acceptable?
Uncommon Sense
By Aneta Darlington - first published here: Uncommon sense - SHEQ Management Within half a second, the all-knowing Google search engine is able to return about 1.8 billion results for the typed phrase “common sense”. The Britannica Dictionary definition explains common sense as “The ability to … [Read more...] about Uncommon Sense
Setting Your Agenda Aside
by Brian Darlington - first published here: Set your agenda aside - SHEQ Management Often leaders and others employed in the risk and safety field believe they need to do the talking, tell others what to do, control and guide the discussions, and have all the answers. This should not be the case. … [Read more...] about Setting Your Agenda Aside
Are we living in Chronos or Kairos time?
by Brian Darlington Following a visit to Slovenia’s Skocjan Caves, our columnist reflects on two different types of time and highlights why we should all live in the one as often as we can. After a recent visit to one of our operations in Italy, focusing on a large rebuild project, I decided to … [Read more...] about Are we living in Chronos or Kairos time?