Another VERY interesting article by Dr Robert Long about choosing your words, slogans and messages with great care. I was only reading last night about the “elephant in the room” idiom!. If you liked this article then you should read the whole series: CLICK HERE. I highly recommend you check out … [Read more...] about It’s Not a Secret, We Just Don’t Talk About It
safety culture
Are You Creating an ‘Obeyience Culture’?
Are You Creating an ‘Obeyience Culture’? When I started consulting in risk and safety, people would regularly contact me and ask “are we meeting our legal requirements?” or “are we doing all we need to do, ‘under the law’”. Consulting in risk and safety seems to attract these questions, and people … [Read more...] about Are You Creating an ‘Obeyience Culture’?
The Joy Of Blame
The Joy Of Blame Recent blog post by Phil La Duke – see it here Extract: What is it about blaming that feels so good? Why do we enjoy it so much? What’s that? YOU don’t enjoy blaming people; I’m sorry, I’m skeptical. I have reason to be. As a certified Just Culture practitioner who … [Read more...] about The Joy Of Blame
Conducting a Psychology and Culture Safety Walk
Conducting a Psychology and Culture Safety Walk Not to be confused with the Gemba Safety Walk! Safety walks, observations and conversations are foundational to managing safety in organisations. Site walks, office walks or whatever you want to call them are a critical strategy in ‘management by … [Read more...] about Conducting a Psychology and Culture Safety Walk
Spock Logic in Risk and Safety
Spock Logic in Risk and Safety Image Source When Star Trek first came on to Australian TV in 1967 I was fascinated by Mr Spock. His weird ears and his cold logic were his trade mark in a show that was so new for those times. Now we look back at the basic graphics and studio mock ups and wonder … [Read more...] about Spock Logic in Risk and Safety
Safety Communication
Safety Communication A couple of extracts from recent posts on the Workplace Communicator Blog which are really worth sharing: Are poor safety habits holding back your safety culture progression? Posted by Marie-Claire Ross on Sun, May 11, 2014 If you've ever felt that a lot of your friends or … [Read more...] about Safety Communication
Imagination and Safety
Imagination? We’ll Soon Knock that Nonsense Out of You A safety friend of mind Ted rang the other day, he had just gone through the circus and charade of an OFSC Audit and 4801 Audit. He said, ‘ah, now we are safe’, I said, ‘no your not, you are probably less safe’. (I’ll get back to this point … [Read more...] about Imagination and Safety
The Gemba Safety Walk
The Gemba Safety Walk – Is it a Silly Walk? Tried and failed or just gotten a tad bored with Zero Harm, BBS and MBWA? It seems the latest silver bullet being peddled by a few Snake Oil Salesmen is the “Safety Gemba Walk”. I’ve only just discovered this trendy new safety concept and still trying to … [Read more...] about The Gemba Safety Walk
King of the World – Why is Sociopathy and Psychopathy so prevalent ‘at the top’?
Psychopaths will thrive in an organisation that is seeking to control their people. Where the culture of a workplace, or group, allow psychopaths to manipulate and denigrate others without consequence, they will succeed in achieving their own needs and goals without care at all for others … [Read more...] about King of the World – Why is Sociopathy and Psychopathy so prevalent ‘at the top’?