The Manual Handling Secret One of the great challenges of safety is effective manual handling. One in three of all injuries in the Australian workplace are due to manual handling issues. For years we have been developing programs, codes of practice and regulations to help minimize this problem – … [Read more...] about The Manual Handling Secret
Compliance, Obedience and The Attraction of Risk
Compliance, Obedience and The Attraction of Risk Great Response by Dr Rob Long (thanks Rob) to our recent article: Our Obsession With Forbidden Pleasures. Please find detail of Rob’s next education program at the bottom of this article. Most people know of the experiments of Stanley Milgram back … [Read more...] about Compliance, Obedience and The Attraction of Risk
Compliance or Defiance?
Compliance or Defiance? It’s a strange thing this binary thinking that uses the strategy of entrapment to beat its own drum. I have been coaching in safety leadership all week on building and construction sites and the binary mindset creates so many problems. Rather than actually trying to … [Read more...] about Compliance or Defiance?
The Psychic Effect of Safety
The Psychic Effect of Safety and What to Do About It One of the flow on effects of the politics of Safety is unconscious fear. I met a host of officials in safety associations recently and was overcome with the anxiety of some as we shook hands and exchanged pleasantries. I was due to stand up and give … [Read more...] about The Psychic Effect of Safety
The Last Stick Wasn’t Big Enough
We hear a great deal in the safety industry about compliance and coercion but so little about creative solutions with a sense of imagination. Every time there is another event someone comes out with the bright idea that either we don’t have enough regulation or the last stick wasn’t big enough. This … [Read more...] about The Last Stick Wasn’t Big Enough
I’m just not that into safety anymore
Read the sequel to this article: I’m Still Not That Into Safety Our most popular article out of 3007! Why do you think that is? Rob's courage and honesty has certainly touched some nerves! I’m just not that into safety anymore I have spoken with a number of Managers over the past few months who have … [Read more...] about I’m just not that into safety anymore
Gloves and Glasses Compliance
Gloves and Glasses Compliance By Dr Robert Long I wonder how many safety people will hit on this blog just because of the title? I did wonder for some time what more petty a title I could present but decided this would do. What a sad state when the lowest defence in the Hierarchy of Controls … [Read more...] about Gloves and Glasses Compliance
Compliance in the Name of Good
Compliance in the Name of Good It’s hard to imagine a time of when science, theology and political power were one and the same. This was the world of Europe in the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. The enlightenment is most identified with rejection of clericalism, religious authority, schism, … [Read more...] about Compliance in the Name of Good
You Don’t Want a Compliance Culture
I often get asked if I teach programs on compliance and I say no, I teach about learning cultures. The last thing organisations need is a compliance culture. Compliance is most associated with adhering to standards or some regulatory requirement. Often compliance is associated with meeting minimal … [Read more...] about You Don’t Want a Compliance Culture
Social Psychology of Risk Challenge
Social Psychology of Risk Challenge The last few days have seen unprecedented rain and flooding on Australia’s East Coast. Several people have lost their lives and many from attempting to drive through flood waters. The slogan “If Its Flooded, Forget It” rolls off the tongue news presenters and … [Read more...] about Social Psychology of Risk Challenge