Another VERY interesting article by Dr Robert Long about choosing your words, slogans and messages with great care. I was only reading last night about the “elephant in the room” idiom!. If you liked this article then you should read the whole series: CLICK HERE. I highly recommend you check out … [Read more...] about It’s Not a Secret, We Just Don’t Talk About It
Safety Talk
The Gemba Safety Walk
The Gemba Safety Walk – Is it a Silly Walk? Tried and failed or just gotten a tad bored with Zero Harm, BBS and MBWA? It seems the latest silver bullet being peddled by a few Snake Oil Salesmen is the “Safety Gemba Walk”. I’ve only just discovered this trendy new safety concept and still trying to … [Read more...] about The Gemba Safety Walk
Your Safety Talk Matters
If you have enjoyed the series of articles by Dr Robert Long (see them here) then you will love this short video which clearly explains the important basics of how to have an effective safety talk or conversation – a crucial, but often overlooked, element in controlling risks in the … [Read more...] about Your Safety Talk Matters
Essentials in Observation and Safety
I visited a major construction site a few weeks ago. They did their best to impress us with their 4 hour induction, extremely comprehensive work method statements and permit systems, safety management plans, contractor management systems, pretty graphs, regular audit schedules, tool box talks etc … [Read more...] about Essentials in Observation and Safety
Six Tips to Improve Your Safety Conversations
Six Tips to Improve Your Safety Conversations Whilst discussion and conversation is well intentioned it is also important to ensure that our discourse promotes effective culture. I was in a mine recently when I saw a document posted on the walls entitled ‘Six Tips to Improve Your Safety … [Read more...] about Six Tips to Improve Your Safety Conversations
Free Safety Presentations
Heaps of Free Safety Presentations and Safety Training Resources Looking for a specific topic or just some ideas for your next safety chat or toolbox talk?, these are great resources from - they have been provided to them by United States Naval Safety Center. The … [Read more...] about Free Safety Presentations
Critical Safety Reflection or thinking about stuff
Critical Safety Reflection or thinking about stuff By the late George Robotham This brief article was prompted by an excellent paper in the Central Alberta Well Services Corporation, Safety Newsletter, Vol2, Issue 6 by Mark Sanborn, titled “Think like a leader and lead like a … [Read more...] about Critical Safety Reflection or thinking about stuff
The Repression of Uncertainty
I recently republished this on Linkedin Pulse where it inspired some very positive comments, be sure to check out the 20 keys to maturing in safety leadership at the end of the article: If you are a Parent, a Partner, a Leader or a Safety Person then you have learned, the hard way, that people … [Read more...] about The Repression of Uncertainty
I Wish I Had Thought of That
I Wish I Had Thought of That by Robert Sams I was recently talking with someone in the childcare industry who shared their experiences about health and safety, in particular risk assessments. They were frustrated, so much paperwork, bureaucracy and time spent on a process that seemed to be all … [Read more...] about I Wish I Had Thought of That
Jargon-less Safety Talk
Jargon-less safety talk Recent article by Trinette Jaeschke on the Your safety Mentor blog. A little extract: We have our own language in safety. In fact, even different industries have their own safety words. Are these acronyms familiar to you? SWMS, JSA, OHS, WHS, WHSMS, SMS, ALARP, KPI, … [Read more...] about Jargon-less Safety Talk