Expressions of Interest
Dr Long is in Europe again undertaking workshops in May for clients and as part of travel arrangements can stay an additional week for public workshops (1-5 June 2020) if there is demand.
If you would be interested in attending workshops on:
SEEK, The Social Psychology of Incident Investigation – 1-2 June
(Overview here: )
The Social Amplification of Risk – 3,4 June 2020
(Outline of course here: )
One Day Semiotic Workshop – 5 June 2020
Outline here:
Then please register your interest by email to:
Each 2 day $1350 (aus) per module
The one day workshop is $750 (aus)
It is proposed that the workshops be undertaken in Leuven Belgium at The Groot Begijnhof Education Centre –
(catering included)
Once demand is determined then a flyer and registration will be put in place and mailed to those who give an expression of interest.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below