Military Metaphors in Safety Check out Rob’s new book: Following-Leading in Risk Weick (1979) tells us that organizing is ‘a consensually validated grammar for reducing equivocality by means of sensible interlocking behaviours’. Wow, what a definition and so much jammed into that definition. What … [Read more...] about Military Metaphors in Safety
Nonsense Curves and Pyramids
Nonsense Curves and Pyramids Safety likes nothing more than curves and pyramids, nothing so exciting as parading out the Bradley Curve or Heinrich’s Pyramid to get the troops excited about failure and loss. The Bradley Curve was created by DuPont in 1995 to try and benchmark notions of culture and … [Read more...] about Nonsense Curves and Pyramids
Taleb Wisdom, and Rationality
Most people in the safety and risk game should know the name of Nassim Taleb, author and maverick mathematician of Black Swan ( Unfortunately, the moment he writes in Maths I need a translator, similarly any language … [Read more...] about Taleb Wisdom, and Rationality
Talking Risk Video–Anti-Fragility
Talking Risk Video – Anti-Fragility - 3 Part Series Dave Whitefield and James Ellis have a conversation on the couch around the concept of anti-fragility. They pose the question: “What is the opposite of fragile?” The answer is not what we would normally assume. The guys discuss the concept of … [Read more...] about Talking Risk Video–Anti-Fragility