Sesame Street Safety Sesame Street was first broadcast in 1969, a TV show aimed to help preschool children prepare for schooling, particularly in literacy and numeracy. As I presented to safety advisors this week at a conference I was stunned that no one in the room (all highly experienced safety … [Read more...] about Sesame Street Safety
Its all About Behaviours
Its all About Behaviours I'd like a dollar for every time I get asked if do programs on 'behaviours'. Oh, doesn't safety love behaviours. I often get asked this question by people who want to control the behaviour of others. It is amazing how attractive behaviourism is to the safety industry. … [Read more...] about Its all About Behaviours
When Quick Conversations Matter
One of the outcomes of learning iCue Engagement ( ) is the way it helps rapid conversations about risk, under pressure. Once iCue skills are learned and intuitive, one can get the best out of a 1-to-3-minute conversation about risk. Such skills take … [Read more...] about When Quick Conversations Matter
Telling, The Safety Way
I read with amusement the word ‘conversation’ being used in safety. Most often it doesn’t mean conversation, dialogue, mutual listening or helping, it means ‘telling’. Such is the safety code ( If you enter into any engagement with an ‘other’ with … [Read more...] about Telling, The Safety Way
How was your break?
How was your break? This is the question most of us ask when meeting at the airport to fly to back to work or when the crew first arrives back on site from R&R. Is it just social etiquette, or do we really want to know? I would suggest perhaps it may a little of both depending on the nature … [Read more...] about How was your break?
Sending and Receiving Talk is NOT Conversation
Ignorance about self-capability and about what other professions do, is a sure-fire way to fuel the idea that Safety can do anything. Just because you have a mouth, ears and can talk doesn’t mean one is skilled in observation, listening and helping. When you don’t know what Educators do, you … [Read more...] about Sending and Receiving Talk is NOT Conversation
Just Toolbox it!
Just Toolbox it! ‘Just Toolbox it!’ How often have you heard this term in risk and safety? It seems to be the key way we address safety concerns including incidents, hazards, a ‘safety alert’ or a ‘safety share’ As the name suggests, the ‘Toolbox Talk’ (also known as the ‘pre-start chat’, the … [Read more...] about Just Toolbox it!
The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement
The message here is so simple yet contradicts orthodox and contemporary safety education, training and practice: “telling is more risky than asking”, "We see ‘asking’ as a ‘weakness’ or being ‘ignorant’ so we avoid it" The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement I was chatting with … [Read more...] about The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement
How Effective Are Your Conversations About Risk?
How Effective Are Your Conversations About Risk? One of the reasons why Safety is so obsessed with: paperwork, systems and audits, is that it is so poor at conversation. In the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) we have conducted thousands of workshops on conversation skills and not one risk and … [Read more...] about How Effective Are Your Conversations About Risk?
What Are Observation-Conversation Skills?
The challenge with effectiveness in conversations is disposition. How are you pre-disposed to the ‘other’ in approach, listening, reflecting and responding? Yes, skill development and technique are important but these are easier learned than getting one’s disposition right. You would think people … [Read more...] about What Are Observation-Conversation Skills?