Originally posted on August 6, 2021 @ 3:20 PM
Free Online Introduction to the Social Psychology of Risk
Start Videos 24 August, Face to Face 28 Sept
We recently concluded the fifth series in the free online Introduction to the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR). Here are some of the reflections of participants.
In the traditional world, we look at risk and safety in a closed, prescriptive way. Rob shares massive vision and knowledge as he opens the door to the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) and safety in his free introductory module. His insight presents the social arrangements that affect our decision making and social behaviours, the tip of the SPoR iceberg. A profound awakening, thanks Rob.
Bradley Harris, OHS Coordinator, Local Government, Melbourne, Australia
Participating in your SPoR training was a wonderful experience. You showed us a new way of seeing the world of safety through a social and cultural lens.
Knowing about Workspace, Headspace and Groupspace, opened a unison in thinking previously unknown to purely technical and behaviourist constructs.
The presented power of semiotics and dialectics showed us how the Mind executes decisions through micro-rules, experience and culture.
The proposition of One Brian Three Minds demonstrated just how much the Unconscious is allied to collective social influences. Indeed, your dedication to learning and facilitating learning has been invaluable for me personally.
Adilson Monteiro, Sau Paulo National Head EHS, Brazil
Robert Long’s introductory course outlines the practical examples and foundational concepts of the social psychology of risk approach to workplace safety. It has been a positive experience challenging my own assumptions associated with more traditional schools of safety thinking, including an improving focus on what works, namely a transdisciplinary approach. If you are interested in generating deeper and broader impact in your daily practises this is a great course to register for. Thank you to Rob for delivering this as a free course and skilfully facilitating a diverse group of individuals from multiple regions around the globe. This course will benefit the impact I will have for years to come.
Wade Needham, General Manager, Environment, Health & Safety, Australia
I just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed the Introduction to SPoR course .
As a person that has been involved in the safety space in Construction, Mining & Oil & Gas for well over a decade now, I have found your teachings to be like a breath of fresh air, a breath of air that the industry is in desperate need of.
Injury rates are not going down and yet we continue to head down the same old road with our safety mantra about systems, compliance, legislation, hazards and objects and an obsession with ‘things’ and amongst all of this we have forgotten to care about our people.
We do not know how to care for, listen to or observe our people…and for all of my fellow “safety professional’ colleagues out there who think you do know these things-do this course and you will soon find out that you know nothing of these critical areas of safety and risk.
Safety-it’s time to wake up and start acknowledging what you don’t know before you even start to move forward and start to help people to stop hurting and killing themselves in the workplace.
Rob, You are a bright light in a dark room of staleness.
Thanks again Rob for helping me learn how to help and care for people, truly life changing.
Shannon Barter, The Human Factor-Risk & Safety, Consultant/Contractor, Sunshine Coast, Qld.
What Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) has taught me, is that safety is a social construct and that the workers are instrumental in managing risk on the ground. The language we use is important, listening is key to understanding the social arrangements of risk in Workspace, Headspace & Groupspace, by using the various SPoR tools to enhance Learning in the many social interactions in work everyday, not only through the narrative but through Semiotics which is symbolic in our society and in a work setting. I have had many conversations with crews on site and by listening and asking pivotal questions and once the conversation starts to flow, we a get a human connection, that current safety can’t achieve and doesn’t teach.
Sean A. Walker, Project Safety Lead, Allen Recruitment & Consulting, UK
When I started the course, I thought that my lack of experience, compared to the other students, would be a problem. Right on the first online class I realized that it didn’t matter at all because we all were in front of new concepts, not taught in traditional Safety.
Rob shared new concepts, visions, experiences and tools really useful to be not only better at safety but also a better person, increasing my interpersonal connections.Now, I feel more confidence about me and my capabilities and I am certain that they will help me professionally and personally. Rob, be sure you have students and fans here in Brazil.
Hugo De Nadai Silia, HSE Coordinator, Brazil
How to Register
Over the last 20 years this program has been completed by over 20,000 participants with great results. If you want to see how SPoR Works you can read a case study here: https://www.humandymensions.com/product/it-works-a-new-approach-to-risk-and-safety/ or download books for free here: https://www.humandymensions.com/shop/
Only people trained in SPoR and certified by The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk are eligible to use SPoR tools and IP.
This online offering is limited to 50 people with only 12 places remaining. You will have to be quick to get a place, the next free offering will not be available till Feb 2022.
You can enrol here: https://cllr.com.au/product/an-introduction-to-the-social-psychology-of-risk-unit-1-free-online-module/
Once registrations close Dr Long we email participants with more details.
The Structure of the Module is as Follows:
- Enrolments close 13 August
- Students start watching online videos and journaling 24 August
- Face to face Zoom sessions commence 9am 28 September with Dr Long and continue for 8 sessions. Please do not register unless you can undertake these 8 sessions.
- Each session involves a small amount of homework and some reading.
- At the conclusion students hand in journals and are certified by The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk
Brian Edwin Darlington says
Rob, I can only but support the comments made by the participants above. This is a journey and once one is exposed to SPoR and becomes eager to learn more, its like a puzzle coming together over time and is a continuous journey filled with learnings
Rob Long says
Thanks Brian, as Head HSE for Mondi that is quite a complement, also from a practicing Safety Managers with many years experience. I find it so fascinating that even when offered for free, many don’t want to learn. Says heaps about this amateurish industry.