Safety Hits a Snag The media and social media in Australia recently lit up over the overcooked Bunnings directive that sausage sizzle volunteers must place onions beneath the sausages in order to prevent slips and falls in their stores – supported by the trite platitude that safety is their “number … [Read more...] about Safety Hits a Snag
Safety, mental health and the safety paradox
It's great to see such a focus on mental health at the moment and the activities being conducted for RU OK day etc. However, I do wonder if perhaps we are over doing it and if such an overt, theatrical or contrived approach may have unintended, harmful by-products for people with mental health … [Read more...] about Safety, mental health and the safety paradox
The Mystery and Paradox of Being an Individual in a Social World
The Mystery and Paradox of Being an Individual in a Social World I had the privilege today to meet up with a friend, one who I've known for a while, yet up until today we’d not had the opportunity to meet in person, so we both made the time and effort to catch up. We shared in a wholesome … [Read more...] about The Mystery and Paradox of Being an Individual in a Social World
Policies, procedures, stress and the safety paradox
Policies, procedures, stress and the safety paradox Great article by Greg Smith. First published here: Something I have often observed over the years I have been commenting on health and safety management, … [Read more...] about Policies, procedures, stress and the safety paradox
If Safety Took Over Love and Marriage!
What would happen if Safety and Risk (as most people know it) took over Love and Marriage in the same way it's taken over our workplaces? NB: This was first published in August 2015 but has been revamped and republished by request - not much has changed! Read to the end to find out how to get a … [Read more...] about If Safety Took Over Love and Marriage!
How to Handle Safety System Paradoxes
Just found this hidden gem by Wade Needham here on LinkedIn How to Handle Safety System Paradoxes As you get promoted it's easier to take control, to control more of your world they said, well, ‘they’ were wrong. The easy answer to a complex or wicked problem is almost always wrong, if not … [Read more...] about How to Handle Safety System Paradoxes
Safe As We Want To Be
In Phil’s latest article he discusses the paradox of too much safety being harmful. To quote 2 of James Reason’s Safety Paradox’s: “Defences, barriers and safeguards not only protect a system, they can also cause its catastrophic breakdown” and “Many organisations seek to limit the variability of … [Read more...] about Safe As We Want To Be
The Paradox of Helping
Feeling pretty chuffed that Rob Sams asked me to share this: First published here: The Paradox of Helping I had the privilege of attending the Lifeline Brass Blokes Awards in my hometown of Newcastle last night. The Awards recognise the spirit of … [Read more...] about The Paradox of Helping
Another side to the story
Another side to the story Another awesome article by Paul Nieuwoudt, Author of one of my favourite articles: Zero Harm and a Peasant in 16th Century Europe. Paul puts a positive spin on an age old issue and I think this may create a good deal of healthy debate and thinking. What reaction do … [Read more...] about Another side to the story