Hazard Identification Interesting comments by Dr Rob Long on his Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/groups/152071534818549/permalink/614033571955674/ When it comes to hazards, all hazards are neutral until activated by the risk of the user. A hazard won't hurt anyone until a user comes … [Read more...] about Hazard Identification
hazard identification
Spot the Hazards – What is Wrong With These Safety Photos?
Spot the Safety Hazards - What is Wrong With These Safety Photos? Each issue of WorkSafe™ Magazine includes a safety photo that has been staged to show a number of hazards or potentially dangerous work practices. The online version is highly interactive and includes ability to place pins and … [Read more...] about Spot the Hazards – What is Wrong With These Safety Photos?
The 5 Ways We Identify Hazards
The 5 Ways We Identify Hazards – Updated Hazards are objects and in themselves don’t harm anyone. An object only becomes a hazard when a human engages with it, until then it remains a potential hazard. One can focus as much on displacement of energies and damaging energies as one wants but unless … [Read more...] about The 5 Ways We Identify Hazards
The Illusion Of Hazard Identification
The Illusion Of Hazard Identification Thanks to John Wettstein from safetystrategies.ca for suggesting this latest viral image and its link to hazard spotting. I remember, many years ago, when I was a very dissonant Safety Consultant, being able to walk onto any site and spot a plethora of … [Read more...] about The Illusion Of Hazard Identification
Boxing-In Safety Can Be Dangerous
Boxing-In Safety Can Be Dangerous When I was a young boy I remember my parents buying their first automatic washing machine which came in a large cardboard box. I watched them fill it with clothes, a magic white powder and revolve around for about two minutes before turning my attention to the … [Read more...] about Boxing-In Safety Can Be Dangerous
Effective Hazard Management
One of the best and most succinct intros to effective hazard management that I have come across. Effective Hazard Management: The First Step To A Safer Work Place By Phil La Duke Those of you who’ve just discovered my blog might be under the impression that the only things I post are … [Read more...] about Effective Hazard Management
How Will Your Job Kill You
How Will Your Job Kill You? Exclusive by Phil La Duke. Check out his blog: http://philladuke.wordpress.com/ If you die in on the job, statistically, it will be in a way that you probably don’t worry to much about. When it comes to safety, most of us exercise the most care protecting ourselves from … [Read more...] about How Will Your Job Kill You
Potential Incident Identification
Guest post from Karl Cameron who says: “While I was in the process of tackling my latest further education project - Diploma Food Safety. I encountered some relevant concepts and I would like to submit the following for sharing with other Safety Professionals” Potential Incident Identification As … [Read more...] about Potential Incident Identification
Swimming Pool Safety Inspections
Swimming Pool Safety Inspections As expected in the lead up to the December 1st implementation of new swimming pool safety regulations, their will be a lot of new companies or expansion of services of existing companies who want to take advantage of the compulsory pool inspection requirements. … [Read more...] about Swimming Pool Safety Inspections
Hazard Report Form
Hazard Report Form One of the main complaints we get from employees and contractors during the interview phase of safety audits is that when they report something, like a hazard, it is either forgotten about, ignored or not actioned for a long time and they never receive recognition for reporting … [Read more...] about Hazard Report Form