Hazard Report Form
One of the main complaints we get from employees and contractors during the interview phase of safety audits is that when they report something, like a hazard, it is either forgotten about, ignored or not actioned for a long time and they never receive recognition for reporting the issue or feedback about progress with resolution or control. Many companies have introduced a formal hazard reporting system to overcome this problem. The system incorporates a form similar to the one available below and a procedures whereby the form is recorded, commented on by those responsible and feedback given to the originator. You’ll see that ours has an important addition – adding the issue and controls to any site safety checklists that are regularly undertaken to ensure that the hazard has been controlled appropriately. Download Here: [download id=”49″]
Ive seen lot of companies, with good intentions, produce these forms in a pocket book form. Starts out as a good idea but they quickly get lost or forgotten about (how many Safety Managers or Supervisions have a big unused box of these books sitting in their office?). Better to have supplies available in trays around the site. Another mistake is to say “here is our new form” and then wonder why it isn’t used. Has to be continually reinforced and employees have to see that things they report on the form are being actioned!!!!!!
FYI here is a combined incident/hazard report form from Swinbourne University. It is very comprehensive but I could see it working in all workplaces. [download id=”50″]
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