Safety Geeks Sexy Calendar 2018 Perfect Xmas gift for the Safety Geek in your life. 2018 Calendar Available Here … [Read more...] about Safety Geeks Sexy Calendar
Safety Humour
Never ask a Safety Person if they believe in Santa
Never ask a Safety Person if they believe in Santa A Risk Assessment of Santa’s Toy Delivery Services There are approximately two billion children (persons under 18) in the world. However, since Santa does not visit children of Muslim, Hindu, Jewish or Buddhist (except maybe in Japan) religions, … [Read more...] about Never ask a Safety Person if they believe in Santa
Safety Works in Mysterious Ways….
Signs On a Church Refurbishment Site Spotted these signs on the fence of a Church refurbishment project today. When I saw the irony (is that what you would call it?), I laughed until I stopped…… … [Read more...] about Safety Works in Mysterious Ways….
Urgent Message–This is Unbelievable–I had no idea!
Every person should read this important message – I bet you had no idea how many deadly chemicals you come into contact with everyday. You may have already come into contact with this deadly substance! Urgent Hazard Alert In doing our research on the potential dangers of hand sanitisers … [Read more...] about Urgent Message–This is Unbelievable–I had no idea!
Ode To The Safety Professional
Ode To The Safety Professional - an oldie but a goodie This piece of prose was sent in by a reader and something all safety people will relate to. Some of you may have seen it before – I’m sure you will enjoy it again: Ode To The Safety Professional Sandwiched tightly between Top Brass and the … [Read more...] about Ode To The Safety Professional
What is a Health & Safety Consultant
Health & Safety Consultants See – they do have a sense of humour! Thanks to SJ from Riskology Consulting If you can relate to this poster then you will love: Ode To The Safety Professional A light-hearted look at the characteristics of a good OHS Professional … [Read more...] about What is a Health & Safety Consultant
3 Cool Notices I Noticed This Morning
3 Cool Notices I Noticed This Morning Spotted these different but slightly refreshing signs on a trip to the “Sunshine” Coast this morning: Oh and I heard a few new puns: My friend has a Butler who only has left Arm – serves him right! I once dated a girl named Simile – Dunno why I Metaphor! I got a … [Read more...] about 3 Cool Notices I Noticed This Morning
Punography Love a good pun – especially annoying my kids with them – they call them “Dad Jokes” – thanks to John Wettstein, from WSSI. WSSI Book: “Safety Strategies-Tips for Your Toolbox” HERE There was the person who sent ten puns to friends, with the hope that at least one of the puns would make … [Read more...] about Punography
Safety First is a Joke
Safety First is a Joke? It does seem that Safety People have become the butt of a lot of jokes lately. Happened to me just yesterday when, at a social function, I was asked the inevitable “so Dave what do you do?”. Before I could answer: “I’m a Risk Engineer” or “I’m a Loss Control Consultant”, my … [Read more...] about Safety First is a Joke
Imagine Safety Parody
“Imagine Safety Parody” A great parody of the John Lennon classic, posted in a comment on this article by Rob Sams and worthy of its own separate post! I dare someone to sing it on Youtube! Imagine there’s no paperwork It’s easy if you try No procedures to follow Just do as you … [Read more...] about Imagine Safety Parody