Knowing When to Break the Rules The problem with blind compliance is that it makes people co-dependent on systems designed off the job, in abstract formulation, according some other person’s interpretation of risk that sits in a cupboard and is out of date by the time the drawer of the filing … [Read more...] about Knowing When to Break the Rules
lifesaving rules
Life Saving Rules
Life Saving Rules A conversation with Dave Whitefield, Andrew Thornhill and Matthew Thorne Key points: "They come from a good place……….but have unintended consequences.”"Decouple Rules from the Outcome”"Trajectory of blame and punishment if we are not careful." 3 Small Chat Rooms #2.mp4 from … [Read more...] about Life Saving Rules
The Paradox of “Lifesaving Rules”
The Paradox of “Lifesaving Rules” Guest Post by Danny Fay As part of my assignment in Unit 5 of the Diploma in Social Psychology of Risk, I am evaluating the paradox of “Lifesaving Rules” against the five principles of collective mindfulness as developed by Professor Karl Weick. Collective … [Read more...] about The Paradox of “Lifesaving Rules”