Life Saving Rules
A conversation with Dave Whitefield, Andrew Thornhill and Matthew Thorne
Key points:
- “They come from a good place……….but have unintended consequences.”
- “Decouple Rules from the Outcome”
- “Trajectory of blame and punishment if we are not careful.”
3 Small Chat Rooms #2.mp4 from Matthew Thorne on Vimeo.
Rob Long says
A good little video fellows.
BTW, there never were a 10 Commandments in the Bible but hundreds and hundreds of rules that never worked. and they kept on developing rules on rules each time those in power became frustrated with the peasants. The idea of the 10 commandments is simply a myth.
Then along came Jesus who said, all that is crap, there’s a new commandment and it’s one: love your neighbour as yourself.
That’s it, all the rest is a distraction from the real game of relationships, engagement, care and helping each other.
I think there is a lot to learn here and its not a religious story but very practical one.
Professionals don’t need hundreds of rules but a simple ethic of risk that is relational, helpful, meaningful and engaging in-situ.
Brent R Charlton says
Darn it, Rob — I just did my little podcast on how safety has become religion, with all the parts of Christianity except grace and forgiveness. How could I have forgotten to mention the safety industry as Pharisees and Sadducees? I guess I’ll have to revisit the subject in another episode!
Rob Long says
Yep, there is only one group where he sat down and platted a whip (which would take hours) thinking about how he would use it, and it was reserved for the corrupt ruling class who turned organised religion into Empire! MOney and power. The only act of justified violence for those who had violated personhood who delighted in brutalism. Says something. It was this class that desired the 10 life saving rules the most!