How Do Workers Make Decisions? This is the question on the tongue of Safety but has no idea of an answer. I saw a video recently about ‘predicting behaviour in safety’. This was a slick piece of multimedia that probably cost hundreds of thousands of dollars with executives speaking and sports … [Read more...] about How Do Workers Make Decisions?
AIHS BoK on Ethics
200,000 SPoR Book Downloads
200,000 SPoR Book Downloads We’ve had a few milestones lately, first with the 1000th blog ( ) and now with over 200,000 book sales/downloads of Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR). This is in addition to over 100,000 video downloads … [Read more...] about 200,000 SPoR Book Downloads
Free Online Study – The Essence of Ethics in Risk
Free Online Study - The Essence of Ethics in Risk Anyone considering the essence of ethics in risk must start with an understanding of personhood, the ethic of helping/care and the nature of power. All are essential for any thinking in ethics. Such an understanding precedes any thought of … [Read more...] about Free Online Study – The Essence of Ethics in Risk
A Different Moral Compass for Risk
One of the fascinating things about Petersen’s popular text 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos is that it is basically a moral Theology. The book is a re-read of many Biblical texts mixed with a smattering of Piaget, Jung and personal anecdotes. I find it amazing that people want to be told … [Read more...] about A Different Moral Compass for Risk
An Ethical Psychology of Risk
An Ethical Psychology of Risk The foundation of professionalism is Ethics. Without such a foundation one can masquerade and parade about all kinds of unethical nonsense as good. This is why safety more than any industry needs an Ethic of Risk and doesn’t have one. The poor excuse for an Ethic of … [Read more...] about An Ethical Psychology of Risk
What is Critical Thinking in Safety?
What is Critical Thinking in Safety? Everyone thinks but not all think critically…. There are countless books out there on supposed ‘critical thinking skills’ but many are not about critical thinking. Many of these books don’t even define critical thinking well. Let’s take for example Cottrell, … [Read more...] about What is Critical Thinking in Safety?
Knowing When to Break the Rules
Knowing When to Break the Rules The problem with blind compliance is that it makes people co-dependent on systems designed off the job, in abstract formulation, according some other person’s interpretation of risk that sits in a cupboard and is out of date by the time the drawer of the filing … [Read more...] about Knowing When to Break the Rules
Brady Review, Nothing New, No Way Forward – Republished
3 years on and nothing has changed............. One of the things that Safety does well is keep the doors closed to critical thinking outside of its own paradigm. Dialogue within the discipline of safety is tight, engaging similar worldviews, ensuring that nothing changes. This was confirmed … [Read more...] about Brady Review, Nothing New, No Way Forward – Republished
When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job
When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job Blame is the joy of the Justice Cult. The Justice Cult is best explained by reading wisdom literature particularly, the allegory/mythology of Job . Blame in the Justice Cult is when we decide by (undisclosed) moral norm what has been transgressed and assume … [Read more...] about When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job
The Power of Symbols in Safety
We saw the story recently of the Nazi flag being flown in Beulah Victoria. Interestingly, the etymology of the word ‘Beulah’ designates a mystical place tied to Jewish identity. The controversy over the flying of the flag demonstrates the power of symbols to stir the emotions and draw to the … [Read more...] about The Power of Symbols in Safety