One of the by-products of the positive psychology cult is: the massaging of truth, the creation of false narratives, linguistic spin and ethical gymnastics. Whilst there is nothing wrong with positive psychology in itself its evolution as a reaction against perceived negative analysis such as: … [Read more...] about Sacrificing Truth for No Blame
The Blame Game of HOP
The HOP club seem to think that reality can be reshaped by a collection of slogans and memes. One of the classics is the slogan ‘blame fixes nothing’. Of course, the reality is that blame fixes things, this is the foundation of the justice system. The court decides where the blame lies and what … [Read more...] about The Blame Game of HOP
The Joy Of Blame
The Joy Of Blame Recent blog post by Phil La Duke – see it here Extract: What is it about blaming that feels so good? Why do we enjoy it so much? What’s that? YOU don’t enjoy blaming people; I’m sorry, I’m skeptical. I have reason to be. As a certified Just Culture practitioner who … [Read more...] about The Joy Of Blame
Shame and Blame as Social Semiosis
Popular discourse on shame and blame tend to place emphasis on the individual. Shame often emerges out of blame but this most often occurs in a social context. If someone does know about an action or event anchored to you, then I guess any sense of shame is only private or historical. Blame and … [Read more...] about Shame and Blame as Social Semiosis
The Problem of Blame for Fallible People
The foundation for understanding the psychology of blame is not with the action of blaming but rather the nature of fallibility ( The real challenge is not to focus on the action of blame but rather Everyday Social … [Read more...] about The Problem of Blame for Fallible People
The Theology of Blame from Safety Science
Listening to two theological amateurs and ‘safety science’ people talk about: atonement (I’m not a Jew), ritual, repentance, ‘spiritual need’, ‘spiritual resilience’, confession (I’m not a Catholic), learning and forgiveness is not something I would recommend to anyone. This was recommended to me, … [Read more...] about The Theology of Blame from Safety Science
When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job
When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job Blame is the joy of the Justice Cult. The Justice Cult is best explained by reading wisdom literature particularly, the allegory/mythology of Job . Blame in the Justice Cult is when we decide by (undisclosed) moral norm what has been transgressed and assume … [Read more...] about When Blame Comes Easy, A Lesson From Job
The Psychology of Blaming in Safety
The Psychology of Blaming in Safety There are several dispositions that foster blaming: An indifference to the plight of others (lack of empathy) Narcissism Sociopathic desire to control others Authoritarian Personality A Deontological ethic Consequentialism There is little doubt that blaming … [Read more...] about The Psychology of Blaming in Safety
Turning Neuroscience into Behaviourism
I had to chuckle when I was sent this piece. One should normally expect leadership and professionalism from a peak body but in this case there is all the evidence of the opposite neuroscience-behind-how-workers-make-conscious-safety-choices. The key to leadership is discernment and wisdom and … [Read more...] about Turning Neuroscience into Behaviourism
RISK OR BLAME As I sit here this morning drinking my morning coffee I started to think about risk and safety. Through reading material on risk I have learned that without risk taking we would not begin to learn what may or may not happen. From my personal experience’s I have taken many risks ( I … [Read more...] about RISK OR BLAME