When one frames the safety world through the delusions of zero ideology (see Zero, The Great Safety Delusion) the last word one hears is ‘resilience’. Zero is the denial of resilience. Why does one need resilience unless one admits that the world is not perfect, humans are fallible, systems are … [Read more...] about Questioning for Resilience
ethic of risk
What Ethic Drives Innovation in Safety?
Innovation in itself is not necessarily or inherently ‘good’. I’m sure the methods the Nazis innovated in the extermination camps were ‘new’ and ‘different’, efficient and effective. When we visited Mauthausen this year and did a Semiotic Walk (See Figure 1. Group Outside of Mauthausen) we saw … [Read more...] about What Ethic Drives Innovation in Safety?
Free Online Study – The Essence of Ethics in Risk
Free Online Study - The Essence of Ethics in Risk Anyone considering the essence of ethics in risk must start with an understanding of personhood, the ethic of helping/care and the nature of power. All are essential for any thinking in ethics. Such an understanding precedes any thought of … [Read more...] about Free Online Study – The Essence of Ethics in Risk
Ethics, Morality and an Ethic of Risk
It is important to know the difference between Ethics, Morality, Virtue and an Ethic. · An Ethic is a methodology (philosophy/ontology) that drives a method. · Ethics encompass the study of that Ethic and its outworking in morality. · A Code of Ethics is a systematic policy in organizing to … [Read more...] about Ethics, Morality and an Ethic of Risk
An Ethical Psychology of Risk
An Ethical Psychology of Risk The foundation of professionalism is Ethics. Without such a foundation one can masquerade and parade about all kinds of unethical nonsense as good. This is why safety more than any industry needs an Ethic of Risk and doesn’t have one. The poor excuse for an Ethic of … [Read more...] about An Ethical Psychology of Risk
Podcast – Ethics of Risk
Podcast – Ethics of Risk Ethics is the foundation for any profession and the enactment of method, except for safety. A podcast with Nippin Anand on an Ethic of Risk … [Read more...] about Podcast – Ethics of Risk
Spin, Nonsense Language and Propaganda in Safety
Spin, Nonsense Language and Propaganda in Safety It wasn’t that long ago that the latest trend in safety was to label someone a ‘thought leader’ or a ‘disrupter’ (https://safetyrisk.net/safety-and-the-spin-of-disruption/ ). Of course this was meaningless language because tradition, orthodoxy and … [Read more...] about Spin, Nonsense Language and Propaganda in Safety
Freedom in Necessity
Freedom in Necessity The characteristics of fallibility are the benefits of fallibility. Unless humans are fallible we can never know the delights of love, forgiveness, relationship, passion, care, helping or learning. The quest for immutability, to be robotic and without error is delusional … [Read more...] about Freedom in Necessity
The Will to Do
Definitionally we know that energy is a conserved quantity or property of an object. When referred to humans energy is ‘the will to do’. No object has a ‘will’ including machines or computers, nor do machines have emotions, bodies or motivation to will anything, nor the will to learn. This is a … [Read more...] about The Will to Do