By “Clarity Enabled”. First published here In this weeks post, we look at a challenging issue – under reporting of incidents. It’s a common challenge in health and safety – and it can be difficult to know why it’s happening. We approach the issue from the perspective of social psychology … [Read more...] about Why Aren’t Incidents Being Reported?
incident reporting
Why are people not reporting incidents?
Why are people not reporting incidents? First of hopefully many conversations with Dave Whitefield, Andrew Thornhill and Matthew Thorne We need to anchor to learning rather than reaction and blame…………. What we aren't seeing in “incident reporting systems” is the trust, culture and … [Read more...] about Why are people not reporting incidents?
Near Miss or Near Hit
Near Miss or Near Hit One of the Great Misnomers of Nomenclature in Safety. A very difficult one for most organisations to get their heads around. Do we report, don’t we report, do we just ignore it? This article is probably the best I have ever seen on the subject and well worth a read. As the … [Read more...] about Near Miss or Near Hit
Incident reporting safety poster
Incident reporting safety poster One of the awesome new posters from the SAFETY TOOLSHED … [Read more...] about Incident reporting safety poster
How to Make Incident Reporting Work for Your Site
How to Make Incident Reporting Work for Your Site Guest Post Incident reporting has been long considered one of the most effective pre-emptive measures to reduce on-site injuries and achieve a ‘zero harm’ objective. However, implementing incident reporting can be difficult exercise – how do you … [Read more...] about How to Make Incident Reporting Work for Your Site