Learning, Leaning and Learning in Safety Methodology (worldview/philosophy) drives method. Method reveals methodology. Methodology and method are NOT the same thing. It matters what methodology one assumes about learning because this determines the expected outcomes of a method. Yet, in risk and … [Read more...] about Learning, Leaning and Learning in Safety
Video Series on Learning with Nippin Anand
This is the first podcast in a series of 8 sessions of discussions between Dr Nippin Anand and Dr Robert Long on learning. The first discussion is focused on the question: Why is doubt essential for learning? Enjoy … [Read more...] about Video Series on Learning with Nippin Anand
A Conversation About Learning
This simple conversation about a movie between Nippin and I about learning, using the SPoR iCue Method. If you want to learn about learning, watch this. … [Read more...] about A Conversation About Learning
Embodied Learning in Risk
If you read anything in risk and safety that uses the word ‘learning’ make sure the book or presentation defines what learning is or, what learning theory (methodology) is the foundation of their view. If you read a safety book on learning most of the time the book is NOT about learning, it’s about … [Read more...] about Embodied Learning in Risk
Asking Better Questions in Risk
Asking Better Questions in Risk I have written before about questioning skills: https://safetyrisk.net/questioning-skills-and-investigations/ https://safetyrisk.net/conforming-and-questioning-in-safety/ https://safetyrisk.net/critical-thinking-and-questioning-in-safety/ Unfortunately, there … [Read more...] about Asking Better Questions in Risk
Learning is a Social Activity
Learning is a Social Activity As many would know, I’ve been on a learning journey (or ‘adventure’ as I prefer to call it) over the past three years in a quest to learn more about people and how we make decisions and judgments about risk. This ‘adventure’ has taken me in many directions, there’s … [Read more...] about Learning is a Social Activity
Natural Born Learners
Natural Born Learners and 10 Essentials to Human Learning The lack of critical thinking in the safety industry allows nonsense like the Bradley Curve, matrices and pyramids to thrive. All of the assumptions of these models are seriously flawed, none more so than the Bradley Curve . The Bradley … [Read more...] about Natural Born Learners
The Primacy of Play in Learning
The Primacy of Play in Learning One of the world experts on Learning is Sir Ken Robinson. His recent video on play (watch it below) provides a nice outline of the essentials in learning through discovery, imagination, creativity and free unconstrained activity/thinking. Although Robinson’s work is … [Read more...] about The Primacy of Play in Learning
Linguistics, Language and Meaning in Risk
Linguistics, Language and Meaning in Risk When we study Linguistics in SPoR (https://cllr.com.au/product/linguistics-flyer-unit-21/ ) we look at language, the acquisition of language and the purpose of language. Language is the bedrock of culture in all its forms: spoken, written, unwritten, … [Read more...] about Linguistics, Language and Meaning in Risk
You Don’t Really Want to Learn in Risk, Do You?
You Don’t Really Want to Learn in Risk, Do You? I get contacted all the time by organizations who state they want to learn, particularly about a different way to tackle risk that works. Then when we first make contact it eventuates that they don’t really want to learn and certainly are not ‘ready’ … [Read more...] about You Don’t Really Want to Learn in Risk, Do You?