Originally posted on February 19, 2015 @ 7:23 PM
The Problem with Zero Harm
This short video discusses one of the many arguments against the zero harm concept, zero language and discourse.
The language of zero as an absolute and the framing of risk and safety in perfectionism is deeply problematic for establishing a culture of openness, reporting, respect, relationship, trust and learning. The focus on zero creates a culture that sets it sights on risk and safety through numbers, creating a calculative culture. In this mindset safety is determined by the absence of injury data and this promotes hiding and ‘games’ with data. Zero discourse promotes deficit language and definition gymnastics in counting harm, reporting goes underground, trust is jeopardized and safety becomes a loss obsession. You can read more in For the Love of Zero, Human Fallibility and Risk humandymensions.com/about-us/for-the-love-of-zero
Enjoy the video:
The Problem with Zero Harm from Human Dymensions on Vimeo.
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