Originally posted on March 15, 2013 @ 5:55 AM
Safety Leadership Training
Frustrated by the lack of quality training/studies currently available in the field of Safety Leadership and Risk Psychology, Dr Rob Long decided to set up his own Post Graduate Program. Having seen Rob in action, this promises to be a very enjoyable, enlightening and education few days!
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: http://www.humandymensions.com/post-graduate-studies
Recent quote by a Leading Safety Guru:
Some of you will have noticed I have an interest in Safety Leadership. I have had a reasonably in depth look at the availability of general leadership and safety leadership learning, lots of Snake Oil salesmen and some pretty crappy efforts. The only 2 safety leadership efforts that looked good to me were short courses from A.S.S.E. and C.S.S.E., of course the costs of getting to America and Canada were high. Macquarie university have a short course on the psychology of leadership that looks quite good,3 day program for $5,500 so is not cheap and no formal recognition. A few psychologists dabble in safety leadership but most want you to commit to bigger than Texas programs that are very expensive and take a lot of effort. I was going to enrol in a Graduate Diploma in Psychology at Q.U.T. but now I have had a good look at Dr. Robert Long’s post graduate program I reckon I would be best served to do that course.
Information Update
FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT: http://www.humandymensions.com/post-graduate-studies
There is a lot to read in this Newsletter so, apologies but read carefully.
Things are progressing well for the Winter School 17-21 June 2013 in Canberra.
The Winter School will be run on the Signadou campus of the Australian Catholic University, where Dr Long is an Honorary Fellow. The Australian Catholic University joins in this exciting new academic program in Leadership and Learning in the Social Psychology of Risk.
The Winter School comprises the first Unit in a Grad Certificate (4 Units) with ongoing plans for Grad Diploma (8 Units) and Master’s extension (12 Units).
It is planned to hold a Summer School in January and two online units in order to complete the Grad Certificate.
The First Winter School Unit is entitled ‘An Introduction to the Social Psychology of Risk’.
A full description of following Units will be posted on the website soon.
Student Registrations, Only 5 Places Left
At present enrolments and paid registrations are going well with only 5 places remaining in the first student cohort. Student enrolments forms will be posted following this Newsletter.
Current students registered have already received a copy of Rob’s iThink card and a paper on Alliancing as a gift for enrolment. The Critical Thinking Clock and eCard are part of the 3rd day of the program and focus on skills in strategic thinking. Craig Ashurst, who is currently a PhD student at ANU will be presenting on the third day on Wicked problems and Risk. Craig is an expert in visual thinking and literacy.
Registered students will also be sent an invitation to a shared Dropbox folder with preliminary readings. Once the first student cohort is final, a Winter School Facebook Group will be created for preliminary discussions and reflection.
All are welcome to join the Safety Leadership Facebook Group that already exits and of which some registered students are already members. You can join the Facebook Safety Leadership Group here. Rob and various members usually post on this group each day or so and include lots of interesting links to research in the social psychology of risk.
Student Enrolment
A student enrolment form will soon be sent to those registered. It is important that you provide detail of employment experience and qualifications to assist eligibility.
Planning, Accommodation and Travel
For those who are currently registered and planning flights and accommodation, the following will be helpful.
A range of accommodation options are available to you.
The Signadou Campus is located at 223 Antill Street
Watson ACT 2602. A campus map is attached here.
The best suburbs to find accommodation are in Watson, Dickson or Civic. One of the best value for comfort motels is Rydges Eaglehawk, to the North of the Campus. Rydges is 4.5 Star and is currently advertising rooms at $104 per night for the period of the Winter School. Do your own search but I think you will be going to beat those rates.
There are enough Canberra and Sydney based people attending the Winter School that transport will be arranged by a ‘transport buddy’. This will enable you to save costs but also enable great exchange and development of relationships.
Weather and Wear
As many of you will know in June, Canberra can be very cold. The lecture and seminar rooms will be well heated, as will other venues eg. coffee shops.
On the third day we will be doing a guided walk with Rob and Craig that teaches the relationship between power, place and space. The centre of the Parliamentary triangle is geography made for this learning experience.
As early notice, please make sure you bring a pair of walking runners, gloves, beanie, warm clothes and jacket for this experience. For those of you who have read Risk Makes Sense, you will know that the geography of space is an important part of social psychology and risk. The walk is more of s troll and takes 2 hours and is not strenuous.
Dropbox Group
As stated earlier in this Newsletter, if you have registered you will be send a link to a shared Dropbox group. If this is prohibited (and/or facebook activity) by your work, my apologies. You will need to access these from private sourse. The scanned chapters will be handy and helpful later for an assignment but no need to bust a boiler thinking you have to read it all.
If there are major problems with these arrangements, a reading brick in hard copy will be posted to you.
Pre Reading and Special Bonus
Your best pre-reading are the two books by Dr Long Risk Makes Sense and For the Love of Zero. As time gets closer readings will be added to Dropbox and notification given.
As a special treat for those attending, Rob’s Third book ‘Real Risk, Human Discerning and Risk’ will be available to students in draft form. Craig is co-author of the third book. Those attending will be invited to offer criticism of the book and will be acknowledged in the Foreword.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below