Personal Covid Risk Calculator
Probably the most ridiculous “safety thing” I’ve seen in a long time!
It’s been developed by researchers from Flinders University and University of QLD. An extract from their website (
“A calculator to help people understand their risk factors for COVID-19 infection and vaccination has been launched by the Immunisation Coalition in collaboration with Australian researchers.
The tool’s three co-lead researchers are University of Queensland virologist Dr Kirsty Short, CoRiCal instigator from Flinders University Associate Professor John Litt and GP Dr Andrew Baird.
Dr Kirsty Short said the Immunisation Coalition COVID-19 Risk Calculator (CoRiCal) was an online tool to support GPs and community members in their discussions about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccines.
“This tool is really designed to help people make an informed decision around vaccination based on their current circumstances and also see their risk for getting COVID-19 under different transmission scenarios,” Dr Short said.
“Users can access the tool and input their age, sex, community transmission and vaccination status to find out their personalised risk calculation.
“For example, you can find out your chance of being infected with COVID-19 versus your chance of dying from the disease.
“You can also find out your chance of developing an atypical blood clot from the AstraZeneca vaccine and see this data in the context of other relatable risks – like getting struck by lightning or winning OzLotto.”
Luke says
This is a joke. Where are the questions asking for current health? Considering the majority of deaths are from the elderly, obese and those with severe underlying health issues. You can get this assessment yourself from just 10 mins study and a little addition.
grumpy says
Wow. As a 55 yo male I have a better chance of having non-IVF pregnancy resulting in twins than I do of dying of COVID.
Admin says
Then you should avoid socialising for a few reasons!
Rob Long says
OK, so I went and filled it out and it spews out some meaningless probability. How is that helpful for decision making? Reminds me of the coloured risk matrix, another Ouija board that serves no purpose.
Admin says
On the news last night they interviewed someone involved and they said that you could use the app and decide if it was safe to go to the shops that day – wtf???
Matt Thorne says
Where is the box for your star sign ?
Admin says
Great idea for introducing a whole new level of confidence in the outcome. My family had to hold me down when I saw this story on the TV news today
Wynand says
Thanks for the smile. It would be as appropriate as assessing the risk of blood clots without knowing medical background…
Other omitted questions – what is your favourite colour, what car do you drive, how bald are you?