Standing on a train platform this morning I noticed that the old authoritative “STAND BEHIND THE YELLOW LINE” had been replaced with something a little more personable (see below, as opposed to ‘in front of this you get a fine’) and it reminded me of this article by Gab Carlton from a few years ago … [Read more...] about Stand Behind The Yellow Line – Do Engineering Controls Affect Risk?
The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement
The message here is so simple yet contradicts orthodox and contemporary safety education, training and practice: “telling is more risky than asking”, "We see ‘asking’ as a ‘weakness’ or being ‘ignorant’ so we avoid it" The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement I was chatting with … [Read more...] about The Art of Humble Inquiry as a Pathway to Safety Improvement
All Care and No Care!
All Care and No Care! Time and time again we are bombarded with articles and ‘research’ prescribing how to be more resilient. I came across this article the other day about care workers and resilience ( that … [Read more...] about All Care and No Care!
You Are Not Alone!
You Are Not Alone! Did you realize that loneliness is at epidemic proportions? ( Why is this so? In a society infused with social media where people have hundreds of ‘friends’ and … [Read more...] about You Are Not Alone!
What’s Your Resilience Profile?
What’s Your Resilience Profile? Is resilience an individual problem or a social issue? Social resilience implies that resilience is everybody’s business. Unless we look at resilience from a social and collective focus it will always be about ‘pulling your self up from your own boot straps’, … [Read more...] about What’s Your Resilience Profile?
Humans Don’t Bounce!
Humans Don’t Bounce! We can’t measure resilience and neither should we! It’s absurd to think that we can somehow quantify a persons struggle or crisis and condense it down to a ‘helpful’ number. Yet this is what I find all the time with my research in resilience. ‘How to Guides’ on building, … [Read more...] about Humans Don’t Bounce!
‘Care-ology’ in the work place!
‘Care-ology’ in the work place! In the wake of yet more attacks in Paris, Lebanon, Belgium I cannot but feel the fatigue and tension as the world waits. Yet in amongst it all we see (in the news) and hear (in the media) moments of compassion. When everything else is taken away we become humane, … [Read more...] about ‘Care-ology’ in the work place!
We are in Control and Other Such Delusions!
We are in Control and Other Such Delusions! First published August 2014, republished by request It was sad to hear about the death of the genius man, Robin Williams. It was even sadder to hear the reason why. This is a man many of us have followed, watched, laughed with, cried with and grown up … [Read more...] about We are in Control and Other Such Delusions!
The Zero Hero is Here to Save The Day!
Dr Rob Long’s recent article Forecasting Safety resulted in some great debate both here and on other forums. In this article Gabrielle discusses the language of zero and how it may have the exact opposite affect to what was maybe well intended. The people who take the time to read and have the … [Read more...] about The Zero Hero is Here to Save The Day!
Safety ‘Solutions’ Won’t Move a Hippo!
Safety ‘Solutions’ Won’t Move a Hippo! So how do you move a Hippo? Well according to a kids book I read my 5 year old the other night it’s quite simple if you’re willing to learn the message. So the story goes that there is a Hippo lying on the bridge asleep and in the way. The other animals … [Read more...] about Safety ‘Solutions’ Won’t Move a Hippo!