Originally posted on April 28, 2016 @ 2:31 PM
Free Download – Real Risk – Human Discerning and Risk
I have just received my copy of Dr Rob Long’s new book “Real Risk – Human Discerning and Risk” – probably one of the more useful and interesting books I’ve read on the subject. This is a really enjoyable book to read. It’s not another deep, intellectual, boring text book but a collection of short linked discussions with some real anecdotes form Rob’s amazing life experiences. Oh, and there are lots of pictures! LOL As Rob says: “The book is not intended to flow in a cumulative argument like an academic piece but is rather intended for readers to surf like the Internet, jumping in and out of topics as required”
The book can also be used as a workshop and training manual for programs in leadership and management in risk. Each chapter end has a section of suggested workshop questions which can be used by safety or security professionals or as a framework for a safety culture or security culture training programs with Dr Long and his team.
You shouldn’t just take my word for what a good read this is, as everyone knows I am an ardent supporter of Dr Long’s work. So Rob has agreed to let me provide, as a free download, a copy of the entire first chapter
DOWNLOAD HERE: [download id=”83837″]
This is a big file so please give it time to download and please, please don’t waste my bandwidth unless you have an open, thinking mind and you are ready to discover how exciting it is to be able to properly discern and embrace real risks.
I would love to get your feedback.
The ability to discern is the ability to tell the difference between what is real and unreal, what is harmful and harmless, what is true or untrue, what is genuine and what is fake, and what is of most or least value in competing goals. When it comes to assessing, understanding and managing risk, it is important to attribute risk realistically. All risk is costly, but absolute risk aversion is just as costly. A great deal of living and learning is sacrificed in the risk aversion crusade. The trouble is, the more society pursues risk aversion, the more people become disconnected from risk and lose the ability to rightly discern real risk from unreal risk.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below