7 Incredible Ways To Diagnose Risk More Effectively
Does taking 2 hours out of a persons day to complete safety paperwork make their job more unsafe by causing them to rush or possibly make them too overconfident and not entertain doubt or risk? Absolutely!
Can Engineering or Law really figure out how to help people be more intelligent about Risk? (See Are You Risk Intelligent?)
Dr Long has released video number 6 from the 23 video series Risky Conversations The Law, Social Psychology and Risk (from his latest best seller Risky Conversations). In this video Greg Smith (WHS Lawyer) slams matrices and curves ( see https://safetyrisk.net/calculators-matrices-and-mumbo-jumbo-risk-assessment/ ) as the most dangerous thing in the risk and safety industry and also as what he first goes to with a client to demonstrate a lack of thinking in Safety Management Systems. Dr Long discusses the issue of Risk Intelligence and show how his iCue tools work.
18. DIAGNOSIS from Human Dymensions on Vimeo.
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