Not my job to send you home alive
Thanks to John Wettstein from for sharing this.
Mike Rowe reflects on his experience on a Crab Boat in the Baring Sea. Working on Crab pots in 30 foots seas he asks about OSHA and Safety – the Captain says: “Look out there – OCEAN, not OSHA – Son, its not my job to get you home alive but to send you home rich”.
Mike’s message in the video: “just because you are in compliance doesn’t mean you are out of danger”
Mike has always been an advocate of the the term “Safety Third”. He was quoted in an interview as saying: “But when you say ‘Safety First,’ and you say it over and over and over, you create the sense of complacency among your employees, along with the belief that slowly sinks in that allows them to assume that somebody else cares more about their own well-being than they do”
“Then you abdicate personal responsibility, and you ultimately send a counter-intuitive message.”
“But what if we took the lawyers and insurers and the government regulators out of the equation? What if we just let people assume risks in the full knowledge and acceptance of the possible dangers, in hopes of receiving the possible rewards, but willing to take their lumps if it doesn’t pan out?”
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