No Alcohol for the True Believers
We know that zero vision and zero harm are all about belief, this was displayed proudly at the World Congress on Safety ( ). Zero Vision and Zero Harm are ideologies based on absolutes for fallible people. Well here is one for the cult of zero harm. Let’s see who the true believers are.
Extensive research has now confirmed that any level of alcohol consumption is harmful ( A new global study published in Lancet demonstrates that even a small level of alcohol is harmful. The old thinking that all is reasonable in moderation is now plainly wrong. If you really believe in zero then alcohol has to go. This means no alcohol at zero vision and zero harm conferences, let’s see who the true believers are! Otherwise, all these claims to be believers in zero are meaningless nonsense.
Of course, absolutes directed at fallible people is nonsense ( ). Zero ideology offers no hope for humans ( There is no movement in zero, no tolerance in zero and no exceptions in zero including harm by alcohol. One either believes in zero harm or one makes exceptions for harm and only believes in selective harm.
Lets see what they stock in the fridges and what is the liquid of choice at the next Global Safety Conference Dinner because they have set the benchmark. Ah, selective zero harm! God bless the true believers.
The final comment in the article makes most sense “Come to think of it, there is no safe level of living, but nobody would recommend abstention.”
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