Originally posted on October 13, 2014 @ 5:46 AM
Gab and Rob Talking Risk – One Brain, Three Minds
In this video, we introduce a model developed by Dr Robert Long from Human Dymensions called One Brain, Three Minds. This model helps explain how we make decisions using both the conscious and non-conscious parts of our brain. This video is a little longer than usual (around 7 mins) as we talk you through the model as well as explain how this has significance in the world of risk and safety. We hope that this helps explain things for you in a simple and practical way. As always, we’d love to hear your feedback and questions.
Cheers, Gab & Rob
See the whole series of videos here.
Gab and Rob would like to make a lot more of these videos in the near future and would love to know what people would like to hear more about and topics they’d like to hear them discuss.
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