Study SPoR Online in 2018
The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) have launched Online studies for non-Australian students for 2018
Each student is appointed a Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) expert mentor and some great Skype sessions have already eventuated with keen discussions and learning. If you enrol, you will never see or practice risk and safety the same again.
We already have a number of students enrolled and have discovered a pleasant surprise. Several online students from Canada, Singapore and Europe have decided to come out to Australia to complete unit three on Semiotics face-to-face, each deciding to stay with their mentor. I look forward to billeting Frank from Calgary Alberta on 4, 5,and 6 April for Semiotics in Canberra. Meeting our guests and sharing some of Australian culture/history will also be a bonus. Looks like I will be taking a return trip to Calgary later in 2018. So, first SPoR seminar series offered in Canada will be coming up, will announce details in an upcoming newsletter.
The primary form of engagement in the Online program is watching videos, journaling/writing, reading and Skype. CLLR has over 210 professionally developed videos/lectures across 11 study units. Each video involves the work of Dr Long, Craig Ashhurst, Rob Sams, Gabrielle Carlton, Dee Henshell, Michael Kruger (Europe), Greg Smith, Hayden Collins, Dave Whitefield, Dave Collins and others from the CLLR expert group. We will soon be announcing new CLLR expert mentors in the USA and Canada.
You can read about CLLR, download the Prospectus and view a video of student recommendations here:
You can view example videos here:
You can view the Social Psychology of Risk Body of Knowledge here:
You can also view for free the complete Risky Conversations, The Law Social Psychology and Risk video collection here:
Graduates of CLLR are awarded a beautiful parchment/embossed certificate and letter of academic record on completion of 4 and 8 units. Graduating students are entitled to use of all CLLR intellectual property and tools.
2. What Is Risk? from Human Dymensions on Vimeo.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below