Safety Photos and Images of Unsafe Acts
We know how much you all like to look at pictures of unsafe acts and stupid safety photos (click here to find out why?) so we added another page of links to the best safety images sites on the net.
IF YOU LOVE STUPID AND SILLY SAFETY SIGNS THEN PLEASE VISIT OUR HOT TOASTER PAGE. People who put up safety signs should understand semiotics and the critical importance of unconscious communication. Be aware that its not about what signs SAY to people, it about what they DO to people.
Health and Safety MEMES are also becoming very popular. SEE OUR SAFETY MEME PAGE HERE
You can see our entire collection of safety photos HERE
Another page which has proven very popular is our SAFETY POEMS PAGE and our HUUUUGE SAFETY SLOGANS Page
Plan vs. execution poles apart
Just two bolts and we can leave
Rock group inspects the damage
Sprinkle twinkle little shower
He has the sole patent for this
Is this what they call touchdown?
Jim’s spa pool arrives by crane
Toyobishi launches all-new ute
Top Gear trashes another Toyota?
Nature’s revenge. Carbon debits!
New meaning for “Pass the scissors”
Job lot, mate. You collect OK?
Quick, let’s lift it over again
Look mate, I got me safety glasses…
When it’s OK to hug your mates
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below