An Introduction to Semiotics and Risk
This video gives a brief introduction to semiotics and the unconscious in communication and decision making about risk. The video gives a visual and verbal overview of signs, signifiers, signified and significance, the foundation of semiotics. Through a study of semiotics we are able to better understand how the unconscious is affected by social, visual and spacial arrangements. The influence of words, language, text, symbols and signs in social space and, the framing, pitch, priming and anchoring of signs, text and symbols helps us better understand influence and why many decisions about risk ‘make sense’.
An Introduction to Semiotics and Risk from Human Dymensions on Vimeo.
More On Semiotics and Risk:
Its All In The Sign
Its All In The Sign A brilliant essay by Max Geyer, submitted as part of his study for the Graduate Certificate in the Psychology of Risk – published here with his permission: Norretranders (1998) provides ample evidence that the unconscious plays a major role in communication. This paper looks at the critical nature of unconscious communication in relation …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
This Toaster Is Hot
This Toaster Is Hot – Safety Overkill! Stupid Safety Rules, Safety Signs and Warning Labels. At the suggestion of Dr Rob Long (see his articles here) we reckon it would be good to start a blog page of examples of Safety People TELLING basic or obvious safety stuff to people. Feel free to send us things you …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Semiotics and the Unconscious Messages We Send
Semiotics and the Unconscious Messages We Send I’ve just returned from another mind blowing few days with Dr Rob Long, Craig Ashhurst and a great group of cohorts, as part of my studies for the Graduate Certificate in the Psychology of Risk. This unit was: “Communicating and Consulting About Risk” and mostly covered the …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Semiotics and Corporate Logo Fails
Semiotics and Corporate Logo Fails Our good friend and author of Its All in The Sign, Max Geyer, has just undertaken a redesign of his company logo as part of an overall revamp of his business. Being “Risk Savvy” he consulted far and wide with his friends and colleagues and the result is pretty …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Semiotics and Safety
Semiotics and Safety I read with interest a conference proposed for November 2014 entitled ‘Beyond Zero Harm, Human Factors Safety’. The subtitle of the conference is ‘Humanising impacts in safety operations to reengineer safety approach for enhanced productivity and business profitability’. Oh dear. Whilst I am sure such people as John Green will promote some serious …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
Semiotics, Semiology and Safety Sense
Semiotics, Semiology and Safety Sense Dr Rob Long from talks about the power of symbols in response to this recent article See also Symbols Have Power When looking for a metaphor or icon to explain safety what do you think might be a thoughtful and intelligent choice for a safety organisation? The study of …… Enjoy the rest of the article >>>>>
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