Great Video by “Dirty Jobs” host, Mike Rowe.
Mike explains how he discovered the effects of Risk Homeostasis (he calls it Risk Compensation) after, by season 3 of his show, the Safety 1st mantra had stopped his crew from thinking and to start having serious accidents:
More on Risk Homeostasis:
The Shock of Homeostasis
Homeostasis doesn’t just apply to risk it is a dynamic of human being. Homeostasis is really about a fundamental drive in the human psyche to regulate. Homeostasis is about how the human unconscious regulates everything from… Read the rest
Risk Homeostasis Target-Risk-3 Target Risk 3 Free Download
Risk Homeostasis Theory–Why Safety Initiatives Go Wrong
My favourite quote is in relation to racing drivers on normal roads and why they have more crashes and get more fines: “At their level of skill, driving like an average driver may be intolerably boring. Imagine being a master… Read the rest
Many Still Think That Risk Homeostasis Is A Fallacy
Many Still Think That Risk Homeostasis Is A Fallacy Upon reflection, I realise that I have known of the concept of Risk Homeostasis pretty much my whole life. I can fondly remember the massive hills I was game enough to… Read the rest
rob long says
The only problem with the video is this guy keeps regurgitating the nonsense of ‘professionals’. So many use the word professional when it is not. If it was professional then thinking would be a priority; not the nonsense of being an unthinking sausage.
Admin says
Might have been my bias but I think he used that term very sarcastically!
Rob long says
I wish he had used the word ‘police’, would be more accurate.