Some people need a good listening to
Latest article on the Joe Moore Blog:
Getting along with others is about getting a reputation as amicable, welcoming and available – being recognised as a respectful professional.
Getting along with others does not mean saying “yes” to everything, nor does it mean being recognised as so easy-going that you avoid tackling difficult issues.
It’s just that it’s easier to get your work done well when others find you easy to work with.
Try these exercises:
- Learn three things about the people you work with. Ask a few questions, listen well and you will find something you can chat about that is not related directly to work.
- Listen to yourself talk – you may find that your talking is mainly statements, conclusions, opinions, suggestions and few questions. Ask more open questions.
- How did you get to understand that?
- How do see you that?
- Why does this worry/bother/concern you?
- What do you think you might do?
- Don’t you love to be around someone who gives you a good listening to – rather than a good talking to?
Give and take. So far we’ve concentrated on how to get others to talk about themselves and their interests. What about you? Your interests? What are you prepared to talk about to create the balance between the personal and the professional in your relationships at work?
Generally people with whom you have a professional relationship like to know a little about why you do what you do. They like to know a little about the person behind the office, behind your position. Pick three things you are comfortable talking about – open up a little more than you do now.
Would you lighten your business conversations with some information or a story about – children, family, holiday, your observations about anything in which you have an interest?
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below