Safety Pickled–Or Safety Dills?
Over 6 years ago we introduced the concept of the Safety Potato (read more Here). The ardent safety crusader, Barry Spud, the “Spud Head” represented the archetype of traditional safety. One becomes a ‘spud head’ when one perpetuates risk and safety mythology, more crazy excesses of risk aversion and more risk and safety insanity that sacrifices and trades off learning for hyper anxiety. The anthesis of the Spud head is the Safety Potato who is able to discern risk, empathise, think critically and engage with people for the greater good.
Unfortunately, the concept of the Safety Potato was a little too complex for poor olde Safety to grasp. Ironically, Barry Spud, his satirical articles and his quotes like “Safety is 30% Common Sense, 80% Compliance and the rest is good luck”, was taken seriously by some and adopted all over the world as a bit of a safety hero and guru with his hard line, spud head approach to safety and love of zero!
Recently, Worksafe NZ introduced PICKLED! A concept which looks like what happens when Barry Spud meets Dumb Ways to Die!
An extract from their website:
Introducing the game that preserves workplace health & safety. Made and tested in partnership with people who have worked in your industry, Pickled is an online game that encourages better safety habits. It’s fun, interactive and builds an understanding of risk that can be applied right away.
- Pickled takes you through work site risks in bite-sized, 3 minute blocks designed to help players learn and retain information faster.
- Play it anywhere, anytime. You only need your phone.
- Easy to add to your existing health and safety sessions.
- Suitable for all literacy levels.
How to use Pickled at work:
Good news, it works with what you’re already doing!
You can:
Rob long says
So much of this is like Hazardman. Petty risk, harm caused by being dumb and safety about right thinking. No SD there.
bernardcorden says
An ONZ beckons
bernardcorden says
Wasn’t the founder of the Safety Differently blog recently appointed as Chief Advisor Health and Safety Innovation for WorkSafe NZ?
Admin says
yep – hard to believe he sanctioned this!