Originally posted on December 12, 2016 @ 6:32 AM
Reflecting on Another Year of Learning – Dolphyn Newsletter December 2016
Reflections of 2016
2016 has been an energising year filled with much learning, a lot of travel and a book! Dolphyn’s ‘Community of Practice‘ have continued to support many organisations and people to better understand how we make decisions and judgments about risk.
We have been privileged to work with some wonderful people; without doubt though our favrourite people are those who are curious and who seek to learn.
In this month’s Newsletter we reflect on some of the key moments from 2016 as well as share a little about what lies ahead. We thank you for your continued support throughout the year and look forward to connecting again in 2017.
What Have we Been Up to?
Workshop at The Society of Risk Analysis (SRA) Conference
Dolphyn’s Rob Sams presented a half day Social Sensemaking Workshop at this years Society of Risk Analysis (ANZ) Conference in Adelaide. The Workshop introduced participants to the key models and the philosophy of Social Sensemaking.
Review of a Manufacturers ‘Safety Recipe’
We worked with the Executive Team of a national high risk manufacturer to facilitate a review of their ‘Safety Recipe’. What soon became apparent is what they were really seeking was a better understanding of how people make decisions about risk; rather than a focus on process and systems designed to reduce thinking rather than encourage it. The conversations within this organisation are ongoing as they extend their learning.
What’s on the Horizon?
International Workshop in Linz, Austria – 17 & 18 January
For people in the Northern Hemisphere who have a 2 day introductory workshop on the Social Psychology of Risk (SPoR) coming up in Linz, Austria on 17 & 18 January 2017. You can download a flyer and outline of the workshop HERE.
There are four presenters at the workshop: Dr Robert Long, Rob Sams, Gabrielle Carlton (all from Australia) and special guest Presenter Michael Kruger (Austria). All four presenters have founded particular perspectives on the nature of the Social Psychology of Risk and have published widely in their area of expertise.
How to Register
You can register online for the workshop HERE, the cost is $AU 2100.
A New Learning Centre
The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk
The Centre for Leadership and Learning in Risk (CLLR) is proud to announce that it is opening for studies for 2017. CLLR is the only Centre in the world that accredits studies in the Social Psychology of Risk.
CLLR is a self-accrediting College that offers a 4 Unit Certificate, a further 4 Unit Diploma and a 4 Unit MasterClass award through a blend of face-to-face and online learning. Study in the Social Psychology of Risk enriches knowledge in any area of risk including in: security, enterprise risk, risk management, people management, and safety. The study Calendar for 2017 is listed HERE.
You can find out more about CLLR HERE and download a Prospectus HERE:
Dolphyn’s Rob Sams is the Chair of the Advisory Board for CLLR.
Social Sensemaking Book Launches
Thanks to everyone who supported the various Book Launches held around Australia during November. It was great to catch up with friends old and new during, our launches held in Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide and our home town of Newcastle.
For those who have purchased Social Sensemaking, we’d love to hear your thoughts. If you’d like to share your feedback, you can either drop us a line at contact@dolphyn.com.au or join the Social Sensemaking Facebook page HERE.
Social Sensemaking – An Introductory Video
Social Sensmaking Introduction Video from Social Sensemaking on Vimeo.
In this short video Rob Sams the author of Social Sensemaking introduces us to the key concepts, ideas and models in the book.
Click HERE to Order Social Sensemaking
Government “Standardization” Blocks Innovative Education Reform
“I never blame teachers or schools… But there is this deadly culture of standardizing, that’s being pushed on them, politically. My core message here is that we have to personalize education, not standardize it. That all children are different, and we have to find their talents and cultivate them.” ~ Ken Robinson
These are the thoughts of Education Guru Ken Robinson during an interview where he talks about how truly successful reforms in education encourage creativity, personalisation and collaboration in schools, not conformity to fixed standards – you can hear more from Ken in this video.
There is much that organisations and leaders can learn from such educational masters, least of which is the value of informal, social and situated learning. The team at Dolphyn have been actively working with a number of organsations in reviewing their current learning practices. If this is something that you or your organisation is interested in, drop us a line at contact@dolphyn.com.au so we can discuss this with you.
Reflecting and Learning with Parker J. Palmer
The work and life of Parker J. Palmer has been informative in helping us to better understand what it means to learn, both in and outside of the ‘academy’. Not unusually, a big part of Parker’s learning in life was through adversity in times of depression. Learning is not restricted to a classroom and formal settings, it comes through reflection and living. Click on the image below to learn more about Parker’s story and reflections.
A Competition
We are offering 3 lucky readers the opportunity to win a copy of Social Sensemaking. All you have to do is be one of the first three to write to us at contact@dolphyn.com.au and let us know the name of the two new models that are included in the book.
*Hint – the answers lie somewhere within this Newsletter…
Some Giving Ideas for Christmas
Are you looking for some ideas for gifts for someone who has everything, or do you just want to ‘give back’ to those in our community who do so much to support others? If this is you, we have two wonderful suggestions below that might interest you.
The Wayside Chapel
Regular readers will know that The Wayside Chapel in Sydney’s Kings Cross holds a special place in our heart. In keeping with tradition, ‘The Wayside’ is putting on a Christmas Day Street Party for 800 people to make sure those who have done it tough on the streets this year will at least enjoy a proper lunch with all the trimmings.
And the good news is….. you can help!
By choosing to ‘Donate a Plate’, you’ll be bringing joy to some of the most vulnerable members of our community this Christmas. You can ‘Donate a Plate’ on behalf of your loved ones or on your own behalf, just click on the image below.
Lifeline’s 84aMate Program
While for some Christmas can be a time of great reflection, celebration and relaxation; for others, Christmas is one of the toughest and loneliest times of the year. Lifeline provides a range of services that aim to ‘meet’ people at the time when they need it the most.
Lifeline relies on community support for the majority of it’s funding. If you’d like to help maintain this important community service, you can donate from as little as $8 / month through Lifeline’s 84aMate Program. Click on the icon below for further details.
Finally, and as noted above, 2016 has been a year of great learning, inquiry and adventure. We would like to thank everyone who has joined us in the learning adventure and we wish you and your family all the best for Christmas and the New Year.
Copyright © 2016 Dolphyn Pty Ltd, All rights reserved.
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