Real Risk – Free Download
Well, here is a gift from Dr Long to you for 2019, a free download of book three in the series on risk – Real Risk, Human Discerning and Risk. Enter your details for the free download here:
After the absurd fear associated with empty toilet rolls ( it seemed like the release of Real Risk was a must. Safety absurdity simply gets more bizarre every day as fear and hyper-safety become the norm in the safety industry. How strange that the safety industry is so fixated on petty risk, of course the natural by-product of zero ideology.
Real Risk was first released in 2014 following on from the highly successful books Risk Makes Sense and For the Love of Zero. Sales and downloads of the series on risk now numbers more than 25,000 books.
This announcement means that there are two free downloads in the series of risk – Fallibility and Risk (, and Real Risk.
There are of course other free downloads as:
And, Free videos: and
Real Risk brings some important language to the debate about risk and safety namely: wisdom, discernment, wicked problems and semiotics. In all the risk industry’s fixation on behaviourism, scientism, this language is totally missing.
Real Risk is full of stories, anecdotes, practical tools and challenging ideas. I hope you enjoy it and please give feedback.
The print copy of Real Risk is still available too.
If you download the book your details will be added to the quarterly newsletter.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below