Information from our friends at EASY GUIDES AUSTRALIA
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Our START UP PACK of learning materials for the new national construction induction card CPCCOHS1001A – Work Safely in the Construction Industry are proving a huge success. The Start Up Pack includes a Trainer’s Guide, 10 Learner Workbooks, a PowerPoint presentation and Trainer Resource CD.
Our materials have been Noted by the National Quality Council (NQC) as Training Package Support Materials for the new national unit.
Once you have the Start Up Pack you only need to purchase Learner Workbooks which can cost as little as $16.95 each (inc GST & postage) depending on quantities purchased.
Now that the new construction induction card is a unit of competency in a national training package (CPC08 Construction, Plumbing and Services Integrated Framework) any registered training organisation (RTO) can apply to deliver this training unit.
Easy Guides Australia are proud to say that we have sold our new national Construction Induction learning materials customers in all states and territories. Although not all states and territories mandate the use of a construction induction card, the materials also align with the National Code of Practise for Induction
for Construction work.
States and Territories that have purchased our new National Construction Induction materials:
– South Australia
– Western Australia
– Victoria
– New South Wales
– Queensland
– Australian Capital Territory
– Northern Territory
– Tasmania
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