What’s New?
Safety professionals and CFOs need to speak the same language ahead of new OHS Act
An insurance and risk adviser firm has called on safety professionals to get more involved with senior executives to ensure their companies and management fully comprehend their new responsibilities under the new OHS Act. [ read more on this Article ]
Minerals Council says NSW is a roadblock to reform on OHS harmonisation
The NSW Minerals Council has reacted strongly to the NSW Government’s stance on national OHS harmonisation. [ read more on this Article ]
Safety figures show improving performance in NSW mining
A report from the NSW Minerals Council provides encouraging information about the improvements in safety in the NSW mining industry. [ read more on this News item ]
Baulderstone sets new safety benchmarks
Construction company Baulderstone has notched up another safety milestone for 2010. [ read more on this News item ]
Prosecution after risky asbestos removal
A Victorian man who was caught by a WorkSafe inspector doing unlicensed asbestos removal has been convicted and fined $35,400. [ read more on this News item ]
Hot Product/s
BullEx SmartDummy interactive rescue mannequins The SmartDummy interactive rescue mannequins are suitable for use in int… [ read more ] |
Special Event/s
RadioComms Connect 2010
RadioComms Connect 2010, 17-18 November. World-class speakers, manufacturers, dealers and end users gather for a highly focused and inspiring two-day conference, exhibition and first-class industry Gala Dinner. It’s a once-in-a-year opportunity. [ Click here for more information ]
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