Originally posted on November 7, 2014 @ 9:52 AM
There’s Nothing Better than a Blitz
What a strange industry is safety, every time something goes wrong or an event occurs the assumption is that people have forgotten, are stupid or aren’t vigilant enough (or all three). Then the solution is to have a ‘blitz’. When I hear the word ‘blitz’ I think of war, attack or military action. Ah, if something goes wrong, lets have a ‘blitz’ that will fix it.
If metaphors, language and discourse create by-products then wouldn’t you think the regulator might be a bit more thoughtful and sense-able about their use of words. I wonder who the war is on? Who is being attacked? Who is the enemy? I guess if it’s the Queensland Zero Harm regulator it must be everyone? Every regulator loves a ‘blitz’.
· Isn’t it interesting that the Victorian Regulator calls their news ‘blitz’
· In March this year the NSW regulator had a ‘blitz’ on the construction industry
· It’s even better when the regulator goes on a ‘blitz’ for zero
(http://www.dpti.sa.gov.au/towardszerotogether/news_-_towards_zero_together/?a=125558) It is even better when one ‘blitz’ is inspired by another ‘blitz’. (http://www.ohsalert.com.au/nl06_news_selected.php?act=2&stream=215SA&selkey=52010&hlc=2&hlw=).
· In Queensland the most recent ‘blitz’ was for asbestos. (http://workplaceohs.com.au/legislation/qld-legislation) and previously a construction ‘blitz’ (http://www.holdingredlich.com/workplace-relations-safety/whats-news-in-work-health-safety-18-march-2014).
· Of course the ACT Regulator loves a ‘blitz’ (http://www.constructionsafetynews.com/news/act-work-safety-blitz-begins-as-high-serious-accident-rate-revealed/) perhaps Hazardman is asleep.
· Tassie loves a ’blitz’ (http://workplaceohs.com.au/legislation/tas-legislation)
· WA loves a ‘blitz’. (http://workplaceohs.com.au/hazards/hazardous-substances-dangerous-goods/news/asbestos-awareness,-site-safety-blitz,-more#.VFvy6tYVeHk)
· In the NT they were disappointed with the outcomes of their last ‘blitz’. (https://www.assessor.com.au/news-post/291/Commissioner-disappointed-at-outcomes-of–a-blitz-on-concrete-placing-booms). Perhaps they should have another one soon.
It appears that safety is about warfare.
Why all this love for the military metaphor in safety? Who are the foot soldiers of this ‘campaign’? It seems that safety is the only industry where we try to generate learning by ‘attacking’ people.
I wonder who the casualties of this war are? Perhaps it’s the people who are ‘attacked’ or perhaps its safety itself.
Do you have any thoughts? Please share them below