Data Ethics and the Ethics of Data in Safety I received an email yesterday about data mining and safety data with promises of making unseen risks visible using artificial intelligence (AI). The marketing is ‘choc-a-block’ with promises of what AI can do and how algorithmic analysis can tell you … [Read more...] about Data Ethics and the Ethics of Data in Safety
The Safety Data Delusion
The Safety Data Delusion I read with amusement the Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) piece on 20 February that endorses the nonsense of safety metrics. Framed as ‘news’, this non-news is anti-safety and anti-cultural intelligence. There is no data that can measure safety just as there is … [Read more...] about The Safety Data Delusion
Data Cannot Drive Professionalism
Data Cannot Drive Professionalism Being professional is determined by an ethic not by labels, brands or spin. We know someone is professional by what they do not what marketing they employ. If someone brutalizes others, treats them like numbers (, … [Read more...] about Data Cannot Drive Professionalism