Low Bridge Incidents Compilation of images showing what happens when safe working height signs are ignored: Low Bridge Incidents download them all Here ... www.safetyrisk.net/low-bridge-incidents/ Graphic Accident Photos From Yesteryear: See the whole collection here: … [Read more...] about Accident Photos From Yesteryear
accident photos
Do Scare Tactics Work?
Do Scare Tactics Work? We are sometimes tempted to try to shock and scare people into working more safely. The search term “gory accident photos” is one of the most popular search terms used to find this website (see them HERE if you must) . The question is: does it work? In this week's post to the … [Read more...] about Do Scare Tactics Work?
Lucky or What? Living on the edge
Lucky or What? Living on the edge Many of you may have seen this a while ago but someone just sent it to me and I thought it was worth resurrecting. (I think this was originally published here: http://www.snopes.com/photos/accident/culvert.asp LOOK CLOSELY AT THE FIRST TWO CRASH PHOTOS … [Read more...] about Lucky or What? Living on the edge
Mining Accident Photos
Mining Accident Photos Mining Australia Magazine have just published a series of spectacular but ugly mining incident photos. Includes fire, freezes and collapses. Obviously taken at mines who had not yet implemented a Zero Harm policy LOL!!!! See them all here … [Read more...] about Mining Accident Photos